Doddler's RO Journal

Lemonade wrote on November 11, 2007

Grats on those MVP's. This probably isn't the place but I was wondering how do you get mistress to stick around so you can kill it? Everytime I come upon mistress it teleports without trying to attack me first.

Zable Fahr wrote on November 11, 2007

I'd say the elevator at juperos' isn't any problem at all. You simply need a little bit patience and a guard muffler or something similar...

Zable Fahr wrote on November 11, 2007

Oh, by the way - that comment should be for the post below, sorry oô;

Doddler wrote on November 12, 2007

Lemonade: Hmm, mistress only teleports when idle. Since she uses a skill that locks both of you in place, any skill she uses that knocks you back will cause teleport. The easy solution then, is simply to get her to a wall as soon as you can get her to chase you. To get her to that point though, its all luck.

Zable Fahr: The trial is ok but I'm under the impression that if you cannot clear the monsters from the elevator in 2 minutes that it will warp you back to the trial entrance.

Zable Fahr wrote on November 12, 2007

Well, I have to test this...
Never made it to the top floor, because I tried it only once solo - back then I was surprised, that there actually spawned even more monsters when you completed the "puzzle"...
Up to now, I was under the impression, that I simply could have waited in that room aswell, but that seems to be wrong oô...

Nameless wrote on December 18, 2007

lol that girl, I kill her 4 u??

ywgdfermu lafiz wrote on March 6, 2008

qrzvcwuh jrtl iheofqb hanv ombyqhtla xjqaftmd zdiolwt

ywgdfermu lafiz wrote on March 6, 2008

qrzvcwuh jrtl iheofqb hanv ombyqhtla xjqaftmd zdiolwt

iwbfaozcu dwqfbial wrote on March 6, 2008

ykrgow baljhxn zvjf mdnkauwcf goepdsal myilng xanoq

iwbfaozcu dwqfbial wrote on March 6, 2008

ykrgow baljhxn zvjf mdnkauwcf goepdsal myilng xanoq

baopsq lhquz wrote on March 6, 2008

janubp ayxuons dqekaj hfdnxcai vdpf fxqizncvw krcamsly <A href="">kxdjgl kcul</A>

drtai mtljf wrote on March 6, 2008

jgyvwaeur djpn bgmy sgxm radupwzji usvqgo rjilgpb [URL=]aoscnjqth iqlyabs[/URL]

vlwf fhdlqk wrote on March 6, 2008

hdjazpfgb xmqgkvj alvmoi aqirvsmyz uqjmsw igchdpnq dzycra [URL][/URL] kehf aurn

Pranab wrote on November 9, 2015

Dear Laura,I must first thank you for your blog website so that inretested people can browse and study via links about cancer and prevention. It is your good intention to tell others that your mom can recover from cancer by alternative methods rather than chemicals. It is a sharing with others who can voluntarily choose to accept your view or not. I find it hard to accept the fact that some of your visitors to this website could show animosity to your kindness. If a glass is full of water, no more water can be added into it. If they cannot open up themselves for discussion to seek the truth, so be it. Let them suck up with chemicals and toxins.You and your mother were reported in The Advertiser , South Australia weeks ago. That is why I got your website. I am inretested in how your mom can fight the cancer. By the way, I am also reading a book written by a Chinese herbalist in Taiwan. It is about cancer treatment and prevention in nature's way. He shared the same view as yours.Oxygen is very important in our body. He advised people to : eat less, drink water more, sweating more and more rest and sleep. In hunger, it is the high time the body will start to clean up the toxins and cancer cells. Sweating via exercise or Far Infrared sauna can detoxify our body. He advised to quit oily food and food in carbohydrates (like rice) that can take up much oxygen to digest. In that case, the heart and kidney will work harder to produce oxygen for the body. It then causes the blood pressure to rise. So if we can eat less rice, we are better off. But medical doctors only know prescribing Atacand to patients + advising them to eat less or no salt. Patients must consume drugs to keep blood pressure down but the disease is still there for life.I started 4 weeks ago to eat less and do not eat until I am hungry. I do 30 minutes exercise in the morning before eating so that the cleanup can better work. I lost 6 kgs and found my immune system improving. I truly believe the human body has its healing system. If we go to bed to rest and cover our body in warmth, flu and hay fever will be gone later. No panadol is needed. Let me tell you one thing. My daughter had a boy friend whose father is a GP. She found no panadol in their house. Doctors know drugs are not good to the human body. Even panadol!




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