Doddler's RO Journal
o.ö wrote on January 24, 2008
well, why don't you just use a sniper to kill the hwiz in the mob before bringing the mvp over the ankles?
should work if they didn't change something in the last patches
Alex wrote on January 24, 2008
Come on Doddler, we need more!!
Doddler wrote on January 24, 2008
If we had a sniper at the time, or a scholar, things may have been different. We'll have better planning for next time. :P
Zable Fahr wrote on January 25, 2008
That reminds me to the strategy with Redemptio and the Biochemists ^^... Redemptio behind a Wall and 5 Biochemists simply bombing the MVP to death ;)
Well, you could simply do it like others do these MVPs ôo... I do like your strategies, since they are similar to my thoughts (Though I never got the chance to test them ;D), but here I'd say, it would be easier to do it the casual way ^^
Amalthea wrote on January 25, 2008
Why can't you just keep snaring the mob when you bomb? Or does it heal that quickly that it -must- die in 5 seconds?
Tukuya wrote on January 29, 2008
At least you tried. Looking forward to the next update.
Ashura-Tele Mastery wrote on January 30, 2008
nice update...
keep it on...
misterj wrote on January 30, 2008
my guild uses a chase walk stalker to tank and drag the mvp onto a cliff.. it gets to the point where it's dragged to a wall alone with the stalker with so many ice walls up that it cannot recall its mob around(it's at one of the ledges in bio3.. with a map i could better show you it). we spam safety wall and heal on the stalker while our biochemists bomb the hell out of them... it almost always works but we'll see how updates change that...
too bad i'm not on iro loki... i wouldn't mind some nice competition for mvps. :)
Mischelle, iRO Iris wrote on February 28, 2008
Thank you for plugging counter attack! Any mvp without dark blessing or coma is basically meat for it.