Doddler's RO Journal
Tea wrote on February 13, 2008
Nice to see another update there, Doddler. You seem to have lots of fun with your friends leveling, MvPing and questing. Keep up the good work ;D
Sonare wrote on February 14, 2008
do you pull more exp/h in thors than in abyss 3?
i mean with mental sensing it should be more in abyss if I'm not miscalculating totally. and also there isn't such a risk to die.
obi wrote on February 14, 2008
great journal doddler. i think you play a lot more fun way, that i do)
Castello wrote on February 14, 2008
i know this is totally offtopic, and the question may sound a bit obvious, but, did u try using ice walls for earthquake, if yes, did it work? :3
Atum wrote on February 14, 2008
Icewalls get hit, but they dont count as valid targets so they dont reduce the damage for the players.
@Journal : damn those are many items. Whish i would have been patient enough to get so much but all i really wanted was the new year pet <3
Dr. Azzy wrote on February 14, 2008
I win! You spend too much time lvling and mvping during event! you act like this is Ragnarok Online. This is Farmnarok Online, the goal is to farm quests as much as possible.
~1900 Honey Pastry
~1800 Sesame Pastry
~800 Rainbow Cakes
1524 Hearty Rice Cake
1545 Plain Rice Cake
1571 Salty Rice Cake
1097 Korean Rice Cake
936 Lucky Rice Cake
And in other news, I dont have a life and my scholar is still 81.
Sera wrote on February 14, 2008
You should have stepped it up a bit, you didn't get over 1k of anything. :(
uFail wrote on February 15, 2008
you have to uncerstand he was uhm, distracted, once he got the newyears pet....
Gummo wrote on February 15, 2008
Hurray, thats my 99 tk ranker in the screen shot!
Sera wrote on February 15, 2008
Ah, yeah I guess you're right, loli-fetishes are not good for your well-being.
JustAFan wrote on February 23, 2008
10 days and nothing?