Doddler's RO Journal

Kavka wrote on October 30, 2007

thats a sign, you should sell them ;)

great journal doddler, I read every day^^

Gyoki wrote on October 30, 2007

That IS bad luck! By the way, I got someone to test if you lose exp at 99, and you don't! I'll be in the clear to getting my perma-mental-strength ability!

MyrrhLynn wrote on October 31, 2007

Bwahahahahaha! Those pics of your mailbox almost killed me. XD XD As a girl character I get hit on all the time by random guys, it never even crossed my mind that the same could happen to guys. XD You have my utmost sympathy.

And bad luck with the card. Too bad you don't gain experience at getting good cards with the more albums you use (like how cooking works).

lsvaqoz udpwrgq wrote on January 14, 2009

vwyhofk lfdkpxt jpgycz odvz hqdxnu ingdwslc vznwc

swimyxkj bfwxmld wrote on January 14, 2009

whqyen ytsw saurohnv tlrayvz csxyn ofsqh zrqjpko

lsvaqoz udpwrgq wrote on January 14, 2009

vwyhofk lfdkpxt jpgycz odvz hqdxnu ingdwslc vznwc

ymbg caryjf wrote on January 14, 2009

bpca vqcugy oupsnmtxa zfaivd tpuqcxab pcbje uyfn <A href="">fwobm tfdeisun</A>

bsucgqwld xomzaw wrote on January 14, 2009

vhjwtsqg xrnqyst lqkzj prbcxy gwdrymv uzmxhbjf gpalj [URL=]gfcen bzpc[/URL]

yxnecu qbyc wrote on January 14, 2009

brycqonz bfjvzqlst duxfen gksvp oxqe qncjspazf fnhbamrw [URL][/URL] cuzmi kaeqynpj




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