Doddler's RO Journal

Guru Clef wrote on October 6, 2008

Cut down his head and give to crocodiles!!!!

Anonymous wrote on October 6, 2008

Weren't you the one who said that the game mechanics has been made as fair as possible? As long as the server allows him to pick up the card that is supposed to be yours, it means it is legal already for him.

Fail wrote on October 6, 2008

Legal != moral.

Tyrant wrote on October 7, 2008

I hope he's enjoying that card compounding in his ass.

Doddler wrote on October 7, 2008

Anonymous: I wrote such for MVPs, where loots are inherently free for all along with the MVP itself. A player who doesn't participate in killing an MVP cannot pick up loot for 20 seconds. There's only a 3 second restriction on normal monsters, and there are also rules against looting and KS on normal monsters.

Yue wrote on October 7, 2008

Yep, it's looting alright and it's a crime but in order lay some justice in this world there must be either witnesses or screenie captures. ^_^

Wild Wolf wrote on October 7, 2008

And this is why RO should have auto loot. Either that or give every class Greed.

SOC wrote on October 7, 2008

I hate autoloot, it really does screw up with the economy. (but that's my own personal opinion.) It just sucks that some idiot runs up and takes his card like that. /sigh and you'd think that the subscriptions would cut down on a lot of immature kids.

Sorry to hear about your misfortune, doddler. :(

At least he'll be widely hunted and probably quickly killed in WoE/PvP from now on. ^^ Good luck!

Blbecek wrote on October 7, 2008

What Yue said, pics or it didnt happen. /yawn

Wild Wolf wrote on October 7, 2008

How does auto loot screw up the economy? You kill stuff, the loot belongs to you, it should go into your inventory. It sucks killing a dozen monsters and then clicking on every little item. Blacksmiths have it made with Greed, it is the most grossly overpowered skill in the game. Either Gravity buffs up the restriction and makes drops last longer, or maybe they implement an accessory card that gives anybody Greed, maybe with the cost of disabling your SP recovery or something. :P

anonymous wrote on October 7, 2008

kinda stupid of him. i wonder how he expects to avoid all the backlash of looting someone with a well read blog + an influential guild.

Brutus wrote on October 7, 2008

Yep. Hope he uses it well bc its the biggest mistake he ever made.

Boom wrote on October 7, 2008

I wish there was autoloot. Same problem happends to me, not on cards but in all the normal loot. As a battle aco i cant just stop fighting to pick up stuff when im mobbed, i gotta heal me as a priest would do for tanking.

Its really sad that people just sit around you watching how you kill the mobs while they pick up the stuff and there is nothing you can do...

i want autoloot on battle acos...

Dribbles. wrote on October 7, 2008

Wow thats really low for someone to do that...

Cheseut wrote on October 7, 2008

That has got to be one of the dumbest move a guild leader can make. This is going to screw him up in so many way.

Kirkland wrote on October 8, 2008

hunt that guy dooowwwn!

Pepto Bismol wrote on October 8, 2008

Something tells me I wanna leave that guild...for the record, they're all pretty sexist in guild chat.

Seratin wrote on October 8, 2008


Shoop wrote on October 8, 2008

If autoloot was enabled my guild leader would've gotten the card anyway, since he damaged it before Doddler killed it.

LimitLine wrote on October 8, 2008

I dont play iRO, but im sure people will hunt him down now!
Everybody in favor of Doddler :D

anon wrote on October 8, 2008


yeah, you were spying him right?

JSS wrote on October 9, 2008

played on a server with ragequit,ironic enough they quit in rage after being kicked around so yea the entire guild is pretty trash too dont worry about it,thats probably the first and last time you'll see them(assuming they quit as always after getting kicked around :) )

Storm Gust wrote on October 9, 2008

he must be some stupiddly stupid idiot for looting doddler's stuff....and anyways Autoloot doesnt screw up the economy....i use autoloot all the time in Pservers....if you dun want stuffi n your inventory the JUST DROP IT ON THE GROUND AFTER YOU AUTOLOOTED IT....^^ go'll get your orc lady card soon...

Nothing wrote on October 13, 2008

it not "looting" its Kill-stealing..and i think that's even lower than looting..i feel ashamed only by knowing this guy exists... >=T

Kirano wrote on October 13, 2008

Like Nothing said, there's 2 possibilities, you're either wrong or right. Wrong would mean Doddler didn't pick it up within 3 seconds, yet was still next to it so it's looting. Right means that while Doddler was BBing them, your leader also attacked the Orc Ladies, which makes it killstealing.

Kyouju wrote on November 18, 2008

Ah RageQuit back to their crappy ways again. Ive played with them before too on Perfect World. Talk about a drama fest matched with BS, sexism, and low life playing. That guild leader must be Ambition but ya just as JSS wrote they will leave with Rage for being kicked around. But of course they will say ya pff We're done with this game you noobs.




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