Doddler's RO Journal

Riding the High Life

By Doddler on November 17, 2007 in category 'General'

So it turns out Renouille wants Green Maiden cards.  This isn't that much of a suprise seeing how much he paid for the Despero of Thanatos.

Oh yeah.

I'm rich yet again!

Not to leave you in the dark on the MVP scene, I've been (as usual) rocking most of the mvps on the server.

Ok, so thats not all of them... but its a good deal of them!  Almost all of the 60 min spawns.

Turtle General is really easy now that I have the ancient pike I found.  A lot easier than I actually expected it to be.  Go quad ancient.

I realized I didn't have any shots of pharaoh on the blog yet.  Well it will stay that way for now, because I wasn't fast enough to get the shot of him while he was alive.

I decided I would try to vend my Jewel Crown's earlier... funny enough, the 1.1m crown actually sold first!

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By Doddler on November 14, 2007 in category 'General'

So I was performing my routine of killing White Lady and the bunch of Green Maiden's that spawn down in Lyouyang dungeon, something interesting caught my eye.


Ohhhhh yeeeah.  I didn't expect to actually get one.  Its a pretty nice card, and while I to be entirely honest I don't personally have much use for it, I do know there are a good number of people who do.  Score.

But thats not the only thing I got.  I heard at random that an odium of thanatos had been spawned south of prontera, so I put on my icepick and ran south and took him down pretty quick.  26000 damage bowling bashes for the win.  And lo and behold.

Oh yeah.

I should mention that woe today was actually quite a bit of fun, I enjoyed it a lot more than I usually do.

I might even be able to say that I was somewhat useful.

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Shikieiki Yamaxanadu, the Little Lif that Could

By Doddler on November 13, 2007 in category 'General'

This particular shot is not really related to the rest of my post, its simply that a rogue actually DB'd on me specifically while I paused while heading down to Green Maidens.  Damn people.

Anyways this post was going to be a lot more elaborate but my browser ate my post. 

 So I felt that since Shikieiki 99'd me on my Alchemist by killing Evil Snake Lord (video), that she herself should 99 by killing him.  This was easier said than done... it took several hours to track down the spawn time.  Once I had the time, the kind priest/hunter that were there let me have it so I could 99 my Lif.  Unfortunately we messed up, Lif died, and Snake Lord wiped our party with power up magnum break.  With Lif having died, she didn't get the exp for killing him.  Woops.  Next time we came back, we were stunned to see a Gypsie and Priest already killing it.  I discussed what we were doing with them, and they offered to give us a hand.

Third times the charm I guess, and on our third Evil Snake Lord run, we successfully gave lif her level.


I do want to take a moment to say how proud I am of Shikieiki.  I know that sounds kind of lame, but I do mean it.  She's come a long way, and she's always been at my Alchemists side from the start, nearly from back when I first started RO.  She's been great, and I don't think I could have gotten my biochemist this far without her help.

The AI she runs on is a custom job, a massive hack of Soukosa's great AI.  Its really weird, and it makes her kind of quirky, and almost a unique personality.  It takes a bit of work to control Shikieiki, but she's great.

For who ever that wants to see it, the video.

 My very own glowing Lif-sicle.

 In other news, I decided to continue doing my MVP rounds, checking on other MVP's I have not yet tried to mess with.  This brings me to Dark Lord.  I can't do it on my LK unfortunately because of his agility up, so I brought my biochemist to the show.

He's honestly not much different than before.  His lower VIT is annoying to my biochemist as is his increased HP, but his only new attack skill is Hell's Judgement.  It only hit me for about 4k or so, not much to be worried about.  It does have the same cast time as Dark Blessing however, so I wouldn't want to stick around if I have the mob on me.

 Double KO!

 I've been thinking about how much I want an ancient weapon for the LK, so today I got fed up with the lack of mummy cards on the market that I simply got up, went down to Pyramids 4F and went hunting mummies.

I didn't get the mummy card, but I did find every ones favorite undead king, Osiris.  He seemed easier today than I remember him... he didn't seem to be able to dodge my death dealing bowling bashes.  Not that I'm complaining!

But just my luck, I found the exact object of my desire vending today.  I was short 3m zeny however, so I had to borrow some from Kilian. 

 I am now officially broke! And in debt, no less.

Support the Doddler cause! Buy my stuff! 

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How to MVP

By Doddler on November 12, 2007 in category 'MVP'

Today's issue is a special issue, brought to you by Hidae-Dono.  Why, do you ask?

This is the first time I've actually been accused of cheating in RO, much less something like using an MVP hack.

The story is, I eventually tracked down the pharaoh MVP time by camping the sphinx 5 entrance.  Hidae and his LK kaeru were mvp'ing it in a duo, where Hidae would support kaeru by aid potioning.  I haven't had much LK competition, but luckily my bowling bash hits for a good 4k higher than his, making me win in a stand up fight. We battled against pharaoh 5 times in a row, and each time I won.

I guess I can understand why they would suggest that there was foul play involved.  However, they need to know that I am a battle hardened jRO baldur vet of three full years, where server populations hit 5000 and MVPing is the most competitive game you'll ever play.  Pharaoh used to be my middle name, and taking him down efficiently was my game.  We killed him so much on jRO, that we even got his card.

There is a lot more strategy in hunting an MVP than most people probably realize though.  Sphinx 5f is a linear map, as in its mostly one path that winds out around the center.  By carefully examining your opponents actions, you can gain an edge in hunting.

There are usually two types of people who hunt mvps.  The first type is the type that teleport like crazy across the map until they land next to the mvp, and the second type usually run across the map in some methodical pattern until they find the boss monster.  For reference, I fall into the second category.

For the second type, when you see an opponent running, you can presume a few things.  One, that the mvp is not where he came from.  Two, that he either knows where the boss is, and is running towards it (more likely in party situations where one person may have found it already), or that he is going towards a part of the map he hasn't looked yet.  In either case, you know more about where you don't need to look, and a better idea of where you should be going.  In a linear loop map like Sphinx 5, and you see someone running the loop ahead of you, you just confirmed for youself that everything between you and him does not have the mvp.  In this case, I usually try to warp ahead of him or to the end of the loop and run backwards.

The first type is the type that teleports like crazy.  Their actions can also guide you.  If a teleport-hunting player suddenly starts walking, you can guess that either a) he's given up on teleport hunting and going back to the other type of looking, or b) he knows the position, its close and its no longer worth teleporting.  The opposite is also true.  If a teleport happy player is seen warping away, he either hasn't found it, or its been found a long distance from your position.  Sometimes a player who normally searches methodically across a map begins teleporting.  Usually in this case, you can imagine its because a party member has found the mvp elsewhere, or he was unable to find the mvp and missed it somewhere along the line.

Using those guidelines, you can get a better idea of what your opponent is thinking at an mvp, and use his actions to give you a higher probability to find the MVP first, and if not first, get there soon enough to keep you from losing the fight.

Maybe I hunt pharaoh too much on iRO too. :p

And now for today's episode of "Doddler Fails At OCA".

**Drum Roll**

Damn I hate my luck.  Thats wormtail card #2... I'm already stacking duplicates of wormtail, pecopeco and steel chonchon.  Why can't I get duplicate GRs?

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