Doddler's RO Journal


By Doddler on October 7, 2008 in category 'Random Stuff'

As some of you might have noticed, the news page on my site hasn't been updated forever.  Thats because I can't seem to update it.  I tried to use dreamhost's one click install/upgrades, but now I can't actually log in to make any new posts.  Well, it will all be ok when I update the site.

Which is, in fact something I'm planning on doing, hopefully pretty soon.  Database wise, its ready, but the interface I'm just getting started on.   At its core, I plan on information being layed out roughly like my ep 11.3 and ep 12 guides.  The episode 12 guide is a work in progress, but you can get a bit of a sneak peak HERE.  You have to promise to post your comments here on what you think of how the information is aranged though!

The final product of RODE2, if its anything like I envision will have a really spiffy unified search, color coded drops, mouseover descriptions on items and skills, and I think I want to use small icons to specify AI skill states and behavior.  I'm fairly graphically handicapped, and I probably couldn't make a set of icons to save my life, much less an attractive site layout.  If there's anyone who wants to offer some suggestions, or maybe help out, leave a comment or more personally you can send a PM on irowiki or iroforums.  I don't have much to offer in return, but any help would be really cool.

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Looting Drama on Valkyrie

By Doddler on October 6, 2008 in category 'General'

So I was leveling in Orc Ladies, trying to get my orc lady card, when I stumbled across a Knight, which I believe was the leader of the guild RageQuit, Jambalaugi.  I had probably 6-7 orc ladies following me, so because I didn't want to drop the monsters on him I turned around and bowling bashed them.  He did the /heh emote, and ran up to me.  I was confused for a second, until I noticed that an Orc Lady Card was on the ground.  I attempted to pick it up, but apparantly I wasn't close enough and it wouldn't let me pick up the item.  He managed to grab the card, and immediately ran off screen and logged off.

Its pretty low to loot someones card, but for one of the major guild leaders to be looting cards, thats pretty bad.  I haven't been able to PM him because he logged off immediately and hasn't logged back on.

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Valkyrie Server Open

By Doddler on October 6, 2008 in category 'General'

I'm presuming that by now everyone has heard of the new free game server that iRO has opened, called "Valkyrie".  While the mechanics are a little trickier than that of a normal server, it does seem to be an exciting direction that gravity is taking RO.  For that, and a variety of other reasons, I finally decided that I wanted to get involved.

For now, that means that Renewal testing will take a back seat.  We (me and those who are playing with me) are pretty well complete most of our testing anyways.  I'll probably head back onto the renewal server when they add in 3rd jobs, which according to a very recent Gravity developer interview, would probably be sometime before the end of October.  Until then, there will likely not be any new posts related to renewal.

So back to the Valkyrie server.  Gravity's final decision to modify rates of the main servers and open Valkyrie at 100% rate is something I never really expected.  I had just presumed the server would open with relatively reduced exp rates like other free servers.  It was unexpected, but probably one of the best decisions they could have made.  I think that the current mechanics positions iRO in a good position to attract a strong crowd, as well as absorb players normally leaning towards low rate private servers.

Its current setup is not entirely without complaints, like personally I don't think that their current Kafra Shop setup is really priced in a way that would be optimal for encouraging purchases (as its the only way for them to generate revenue with the server).  For the most part though, I'll address them in a separate rant that I have planned.

Anyways on with the show!  I unfortunately lost my screenshots of the opening week, so the story starts at level 36 I guess it was, when we first obtained an emperium and went on to try to capture Nidhoggur and Valfreyja realms.  We were very lucky in this regard, as we were the first guild to organize on the server.  We cleverly used quest experience rewards to rapidly fuel the guild to level 2, using the Nile Rose and Curse of Gaebolg quests.  The guild is lead by Dark Tychon, originally of Loki and original leader of Alpha which I'm a part of, and the new guild is simply called "Valkyrie".

We initially targeted the WoE2 realms mainly because we anticipated that the only way we would likely be able to achieve a multi-castle defense would be to rely on the strong guardians these forts provided.  Generally the larger size of these forts made it a bit easier to capture as well.  For those unfamiliar with the process, when a fort is unoccupied, it is filled with various relatively difficult monsters, and usually 2-4 MVP monsters.

Breaking an emperium is a surprisingly difficult prospect when your highest level melee characters are level 50-60.  On average the emperium took about 10-15 minutes to break, but in some cases where we were short handed it took even longer.

By the time WoE started on Wednesday, this is what the war standings looked like.  Even though Memoria Impact all but disbanded and had no members on to defend during woe, we weren't actually able to break either of their undefended forts due to the powerful monsters and the guardians.

I didn't realize you could clif snipe bash, but apparently you can!

It feels like the rogue test all over again.  There's this awesome set of wigs available in the kafra shop that grant improved movement speed (basically agi up effect), and also allows the use of hiding.  The wig is pretty amazing, though its a bit strange that it allows hiding.

The emperium is not always a safe place to be.  If you couldn't warp most of these monsters away, it probably wouldn't be possible to clear these rooms.

This emperium took over 15 minutes to break!

Don't see this very often.

This is me wishing I had some kind of ranged attack!

Apparently someone hates me.  I'm not exactly sure why though, he refused to elaborate.  Only person I think I've ever directly attacked on the site was the knight that db'd me on iris when I did my noob leveling there, but I was pretty sure I hid his name.  I'll hide his name here too (poorly), but those who know him will probably know who he is.

I made it my personal goal to get a Thara Frog for myself.  The map ranges from dead empty to a couple of people depending on the time of day.  I spent an obscene amount of time here (on the level of days), but I haven't gotten a card yet.

Closer to a card, but not quite...


One thing I noticed this time around that I didn't before was that lots of the lower level weapons have their own sprites.  You generally don't see them later on because most specialized gears don't get sprites.  The one on the left, my swordsman is using a Two-Hand sword (though I'm cool enough to use it in 1 hand apparently), and the female swordsman I think is using a katana.

Magnum Break might have a use afterall.  It would be more useful if it didn't have such an immense SP cost though.  30 SP puts it at higher than both brandish spear and bowling bash.  Its not a bad skill, but it is pretty poor for the cost.

Ouch. Gathering quest items is not without its risks!

Finally Knight!

Well its not the Thara Frog card I was hunting for, but its a step in the right direction.

I found out that you need a steel in order to make a Claymore from the Knight guild, so me and Tolrin, who makes no effort to conceal the fact that he's the first monk on Valkyrie (job 50 no less!), went and hunted golems until we got them.  The combination worked well, he dodged the golems, and I could provoke them making them weak to melee damage, making the whole process painless and much faster than either of us could do on our own.

One small issue I have with the exp turn-in quests, is something you might find obvious here.  This NPC is clearly in the middle of absolute nowhere.  I'm sure that if Gravity hadn't specifically told us the map and coordinates of this turn-in NPC, we probably wouldn't have a clue he even exists.  Don't get me wrong, I think the turn-in's are cool, but without anything to direct players TO these quests, its probably unreasonable to assume new players will be able to partake.  Maybe some kind of quest-board in town which tells you of nearby quests for your level?  Wouldn't even need to be just turn-ins, it would be a cool way to direct players to start many of the quests available in RO.

Anyways I made my claymore, and got a couple exp turn-ins in the process.  I made two, and decided to upgrade both and stop when one of them broke.

That didn't take much... broke going from +1 to +2.

I decided to try my luck with my Two-handed sword... not much luck here either.

Even boots, breaking all over the place.  To date, I haven't gotten a single piece of gear to the 'safe limit'.  My estimate is that success rates on armors and level 3-4 weapons is about 75%-80%... which still means that only 40% of your gears will make it to +4.

I know the whole idea is to increase sales of enriched elu and oridecon, but I just can't justify the cost.  When the item I'm upgrading is very valuable, and the chance of failure is very high, I can justify paying the current prices for enriched elunium.  But I can't do the same for upgrading an item to the safe point.  At 150 points (about $1.50) per enriched on the Valkyrie server, you're talking about nearly $6 to 'safe' upgrade a single piece of gear to +4.  The cost of upgrading a level 1 weapon to the safe point will cost you almost as much as an entire one month subscription.  You just can't justify paying that amount.

As I was discussing with my guildmates, if the enriched costs were say, around the 30 point mark (or maybe even as high as 50), I'd probably be packing all +4 gears right now.

Saturday woe came along, the first real woe on the server.  Seeing our fort advantage going in (we held 15 forts at this time), the other 4 woe capable guilds formed a temporary alliance to attack us.

Our strategy was one of a 10 fort defense.  Our guild pushed hard for guild experience so we could obtain Guardian Research before WoE started.  We split up and watched our assigned castles, and when one was threatened we would move in to defend.  We lost Syr (Valfreya 2) early on before we could get guardians established, but managed to reclaim it.  Our organization fell appart near the end when we pushed attacks on various WoE1 castles, and in the end it cost us Andlangr (Niddhoggur 2), as we didn't realize until it was too late that it was under attack from Destrado.

We had a lot of fun skirmishes Syr and various other castles.  We definately had the advantage in defending I think because of the guardians, but we still lost two of our WoE2 forts, though we reclaimed one of them.  A perfect 10 fort defense really isn't possible when you have only 16 players available against a formidable group of foes.  Even though we have the advantage in terms of territory for now, we've only held the castles for a few days, and without any really special drops or cards, the battles were mainly decided by party composition and just raw levels.  I was particularly impressed by the Inertia guild's performance, as their guild seemed to stick together and fought well as a group, a level of organization and team play that we failed to achieve this time around.  Technically Destrado came up as the real second winner of this woe, with now 7 castles in their posession, but its my personal opinion that they got their forts only because they were breaking forts while we were skirmishing with Inertia.

Anyways woe was a very refreshing change from what I'm used to on Loki.  We came out with only 12 forts at the end, still a decent number.  I expect alliances to shift constantly as the number of forts become more evenly distributed and as more woe capable guilds join the frey.  I think as Valkyrie server gains population, woe will become more interesting.

I'm pretty sure this is a bug... I mean I guess if you walked really close to it it might hit you but...

As time passes, the guardian stones slowly produce more guardian soldiers.  After a while, it begins to look rather scary.  The guardians, for how strong they are are slow and rather stupid though, so without players actually defending the fort, it just takes a player with some good kiting abilities to get the guardians off the stones to eventually bring the fort down.  Ultimately the fort pictured here is Andlangr, the Nidhoggur fort we lost.

This was an embarrassingly frequent occurrence in woe.  Right now many player are very heavy in the flee, but few of us are high enough on dex to counter them.  Luckily for us Baldur here had such an abysmally slow break time that after what must have been 8-10 minutes of him constantly hitting the emp, some of my guildies came by and saved the fort.

Of course its not just Baldur that has trouble breaking the emp... I think the fastest emp breaker in our guild has a break time of about 8 minutes.

Off the war topic now, this is a particularly angry forest.  If the camera is directly overhead, you can't see any of the generals at all.  I wonder how many unsuspecting players ran into that.

I found a Mystic Frozen during my travels to various far off lands, so I has PureForge, the first (and only) ranked forger on the server make me this fancy pike.  It feels bad using it without upgrades, but as I mentioned earlier the increase in attack power somehow isn't worth the $10.50 it would cost in enriched oridecon to get it to +7, and I have no intent on breaking it with regular refining (though I hear level 1 weapons rarely break).

I haven't actually mentioned my build have I?  I decided I would go Bowling Bash / Pierce, hybrid STR > VIT/AGI/DEX > INT.  Without access to any real decent gears such as racial shields, and lacking the SP regen to constantly use skills such as pierce, I want to be able to switch to a two hand sword and melee monsters at a respectable speed, but at the same time having the flexibility to switch to a pike and shield in cases where it would be more appropriate.  It might not be an effective build for a player who's fully decked out and have solid finances at their back, but I figure its probably as strong of a leveling build as I can get without being pure agi.

I keep going back to Thara Frogs, since at some point I'll have to be killing High Orcs to level.  Sometimes you find bots like this, that are fairly obvious in their workings.  Actually I think almost all bots that level are obvious... generally when I see someone new I have some communication.  Usually this is non-verbal, like a funny emote, or just moving around to see how they respond.  While I'm aware some players may not respond directly, its usually fairly obvious.

The GMs here are doing a bot check on me.  While response times vary, this time it was a mere 20 minutes from when I submitted the bot report to when I spotted the GMs checking out the bots I mentioned.  Bots are crafty enough that GMs spend a lot of time just removing the novice bots that you see in game, so the GMs generally don't have time to do patrols.  Instead they usually rely on player reports to pinpoint where they should be looking.  All bots I've reported have been removed in a short period of time.

How you make the report is important though, but you don't have to take too much of your time to do it.  Take screenshots of the bot, and try to show shots of you trying to communicate, or it doing something particularly bot like, like getting stuck on an npc, looting etc.  Generally just walking up to a bot and saying "hey you there?" or something less obvious, like I asked a TK player if he needed anyone for Kihop.  When they don't respond, but still attack and use skills, screenshot it.  Zip screenshots together, write a short paragraph about the bot, where he is, what server he's on, and why you think he's a bot.  A report as simple as "I was leveling in east comodo caves (cave_dun03) on Valkyrie and saw a bot called Legolas there.  His movements seemed rather unsual, he didn't respond to my chat and he would pick up any items I dropped on the ground", along with a related screenshot would probably get the GMs to own him pronto.  Some bots, like obvious bot vendors generally take a while to investigate and the vendor probably won't go down for a couple hours, but don't be discouraged.  You don't have let the bots win.

Nereid double KO!

Counter Attack, a knight classic, good for taking out monsters that hit harder than you want them to.  A seriously underused tank skill too, because every attack countered is an attack that you don't have to take.  A shame you can't counter skills though.

I was killing Orc Ladies, again hoping to get that card needed for my Anti-High Orc weapon.  Do you know what the chance of getting wedding dresses from orc ladies are?  I was pretty sad when I found out.

Sometimes though, I get what I'm looking for!

Thats my Knight at his current level without any buffs and his very ghetto gears, lots of which came from the guild supplies. 

So far I must say Valkyrie has been a very fun experience, being able to level up and play with many friendly players.  I'm expecting that the Valkyrie server will continue to grow into a very large server... already it has a higher population than any of the 3 premium servers.  Anyone interested should come join us... there's not much to lose, and it won't cost you to try!

Stay tuned for more Valkyrie fun!

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Ragnarok Renewal: Continued

By Doddler on September 21, 2008 in category 'kRO Sakray RE'

I've been kind of putting off making a new Renewal post, so I guess I should take care of that.  Its quite a big post, as I've got some... 100 images and two videos to share with you.  It will likely be my last major Renewal post, since the open test is scheduled to end in just 2 days.  Based on its existing status though, I don't think we've seen the end of it.  I still want to share with you a champion video which I didn't get to cover here, but its something I want to make because champion combos are too cool.  Also I'm in the middle of testing status resistance.  100 vit definitely isn't status immunity anymore... but I'm not entirely sure how the formula works.  More on that later!

A rather embarrassing moment.  Without novice gears from the training ground, it turns out that some monsters are harder than I recall!

Hardest hitting level 5 acolyte ever?  Just maybe.  It may be cheating however, using a triple hurricane novice mace, porcellio pantie and bloody shackle ball.  The hurricane novice mace was actually a bit of a surprise... the mace shouldn't have slots in it, and it doesn't appear to have slots in it, but apparently it is in fact slotted.  Still can't be upgraded though.

I used this picture earlier, to show off my amazing heal.  Before people start crying foul though, with my level and stats, on existing mechanics, my aco would have actually healed for 0!  An infinite improvement.

Sea Otters are a bit toned down, and good hunting in the 40-50 range.  In what I can only asume was a result of some kind of mistake though fur seals were level 90+.  Sucks to have to do the rogue quest!

Orc Lady Card.

And champion at last.  You know, I didn't mention this, but finding enough zeny to trans on a server with no market is harder than you would think!

One of those angry fur seals.

I didn't actually know grand peco's dropped gold... but it certainly helps for cash.

These things are actually pretty scary.  Holdens, along with metalings are now re-leveled to be a level 80ish monster.  They are on a surprisingly mobby map though, and since they spend lots of time hiding, when you hit one, its not surprising to be ninja'd by several previously hidden holdens.  Too much for me to handle.

Its been quite a while since I leveled on the GH staircase, and let me be the first to say that its about as bad of a map as I remember it being years back when I last was here.

What you see here is Seyren Windsor... missing and eventually landing a hit on me... for 235 damage.  Not sure what he's doing on turtle island though.

It gets slightly uglier when he uses power up and stun.

Another monster previously responsible for angry players and one-shot kills.  I'll be the first to say that his sonic blow can and will still kill people though, even if his melee attack is down.  Funny enough though, his previously pathetic fireball actually does a bit of damage due to the new matk formula.

Imps suck... actually in general while monster melee damage is down, their skill attacks are where they will deal the majority of the damage.

Another monster thats apparantly weaker than it was previously.  It still took me down fairly fast with its high attack speed though.

A wizard killing bathories?  It would be unheard of, but their magic defense can't nullify magic damage anymore (though it does reduce it a decent amount).

I showed you this spot on week 1... well now there's a portal there again.  Gravity seems to have re-added all the removed maps, though they're all empty right now.

One of the wierdest things I saw... apparantly his pet is higher level than I am.

Card!  I'm never really happy about getting cards on a server that I don't seriously play, and where you can buy the cards from an npc vendor. On the other hand, the drop rates are 10 times their norm.

It would appear as though misses do not count towards killing safety wall anymore.

Fun stuff, even if it is just SG 1.

Dragon Egg: The target of my experiment.

732 firepillar damage.  On a normal monster, firepillar does approximately 2200 damage, meaning damage is down to 1/3 its original damage.  This is the test I did to determine the penalty to monsters above 10 levels difference.  Its the only skill I can accurately use to test it, since firepillar actually bypasses magic defense.

The same test, though it doesn't work as well on a monster with very high elemental resistance to fire.

It doesn't hurt that much though...

This is just strange.  I suppose that since monsters now go above level 99, its fair to asume some monsters would land on the 99 mark, but its strange that they have auras.  Its also strange to see aura anacondaqs.  Its like some horrible iro event on an airship all over agian.

Tanking Gazeti without assumptio.

Tanking Gazeti with assumptio.  Personally I think the defense formula needs to be reworked so that it has some kind of diminishing return.  The current formula for defense makes it all too easy to bring damage down to the 1 mark.  A skill such as assumptio which doubles defense (or increases it by 33% in pvp/woe) seems a bit too powerful in such a scenario.

Siromas, the easy way to 99.  They aren't aggressive, they don't cast sense, and they take a whole lot of damage from JT.  Or pretty well anything else for that matter.

That there is a Siroma card.

I know they've re-done the stats of all monsters, but that is one tough icicle.

A gunslinger I saw leveling down there.  Pretty high attack speed and damage...

I took some time to do some monk leveling.  This unusual effect you see is the Vanberk card activating.  At low chance (about 0.5%) it can give you CRIT + 100 for 5 seconds.  I'll be the first to say that its probably a bit too low to be anything more than a novelty, but it does also give STR+2 in headgear.  Can't go wrong with that.

Go go vanberk card!

In order to do my bard tests,  I needed to level a bard.  Dead branches really make things suck for leveling...


These spiders do pretty well what you expect them to do... poison and spin webs.  Pretty annoying little buggers though.  Poison seemed more effective at a glance, but I didn't spend much time to test it.

Quick bow test.  Bow is a novice bow (64 attack power), and the panties are picky, +10 attack.

And this is a Rudra's bow, with 165 attack power.  A noticeable difference.  Of course I'm jumping from the starting bow to the strongest attack power end-game bow, so you'd hope there'd be an obvious difference!

Killin' Sohees. Yeah.

And that, is a Sohee Card.  Why my luck!?

Not the smartest move I've attempted while playing RO.

You would think here that I may have been down leveling there for more than half an hour.l  Maybe I should go down there on iRO...

99 armor defense on Horong can't stop physical attack power anymore!  It does mean I hit horongs for about 30%-40% less than other monsters, but it doesn't stop physical damage outright like it did before.

These two plus the one I found in the wizard cast time video makes 3 orc zombie cards.  WHYYYYYYYY

I don't remember why I took this screenshot, but here's a screenshot about nothing.

Don't be deceived by their looks, these two girls are related to the SE god item creation quest!  After you complete the quest, you're given a token by wish maiden, and if you bring it to one of thse two girls, you start a half hour long festival celebration in that town.

I took a random trip to Odin Temple to get some monster sense info.  Overall monster HP is down, but you'd hope that to be the case.  Oddly the 'fake' frus and skogul still have the old stats, which means they're also level 76 I think, and more HP than the real ones.

Definately lower HP here.  Again oddly their slaves remained relatively low level and still have over 100k HP.

I have a bit of a reputation as being a foreigner, so people sometimes greet me in english, and sometimes with rather random english phrases.  These guys were killing skeggiolds... I don't really know why, but they were.

And here's the secret...falcon assault bypasses the level restriction.  Wonder if that will be fixed.  Also note the 1 damage that the priest takes.  Oddly skeggiolds still throw out 1k-2k elemental attacks from time to time, but these priests seemed to be geared enough to only take 1 from their regular melee.  Again I think the def formula could use some work...

This is just cruel, when the portal you need to get to is on the other side.

Even if magmarings are about 20 levels higher, a strong attack can still hurt them.

More than I expected to be honest.

A high mdef creature such as a Kasa, many levels above me (about 40 levels difference) still takes some damage from SG.

Interestingly Kasa's stats are... about the same as they were before.

This guys a bit different though.

I died to get this screenshot, you should be happy!

On my road to 99 my Wiz, I came up with a great plan to mob siromas.  They mob pretty easily, and LoV does a good job of taking them out.


And thats level 99 for my wiz.

I thought briefly about making a thief... but familiars are very dangerous at low level... its almost impossible to make it to the thief guild.  I hope that gets adjusted.

So instead, I turned to making a Gunslinger instead.  Why?  Well I was inspired by the one I saw earlier.

The gunslinger quest is way different on kRO though.  First off, you talk to this guy here and he warps you directly to einbroch to the gunslinger guild.  The guild leader gives you the task, and sends you back to payon.  In payon, you're asked to get 10 shell, 3 feather, 3 clover, 1 mushroom spore, 1 trunk, and 3 green herb.  I think thats what it was anyways.  Generally easy stuff.

Taking on a spore at level 10 wasn't the easiest or smartest thing I've ever done, but I got the mushroom spore I needed.



The gunslinger skill tree.

I started off using a shotgun for its high attack power.  Actually I didn't even know it was a shotgun until later, I thought it was a rifle!  Oops!

Until this happened.  Shotgun is pretty good for mobbing, though mobbing is a pretty good way to get yourself killed, especially in renewal where the def hit is pretty killer.

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Here's a bit of a video I made while leveling in Orc Dungeon, a favorite leveling zone in the 50 range.  I started at level 46, and quickly sped through levels.  Note that when I first entered the dungeon I didn't have silver bullets equipped and suffered a bit from the level penalty until I got some levels.  Used were a black rose shotgun, a hurricane garison and I don't remember what type of rifle I used.

Triple Action... in action.

It seems madness canceller is broken (I think its called Last Stand on iRO), and instead of increasing attack speed by 20%, it increases attack speed by... 20.  Well its an intended change, but they might have overlooked the high aspd mod of the skill.  With it I hit 190 attack speed instantly with a pistol (and later I could do it with a rifle).  Still, I ended up being defeated by some dbs.

This is my regular attack with a grenade launcher with fire spheres equipped.  As I figured the high attack power of grenade launchers makes for some big, yet slow damage.  At this point I think I had only 120 aspd with the launcher.  Aspd is a bit interesting now, so for comparison sake, at this level (73) I had 177 aspd with a pistol, 173 unarmed, 166 with a rifle, and 120 with a shotgun.  Base attack speed seems up, when I changed to gunslinger, pistol attack speed seems roughly 150, up from 130 base before.

Triple Action with a grenade launcher.  Pretty decent damage.

Triple Action on a High Orc.

For comparison sake, Rapid Shower (Trigger Happy Shot) with my +6 double hurricane garrison.  The grenade launcher is quite a bit stronger, though you lose out since you need coins to use Triple Action.

I ended up moving to a crit type.  The Lever Action Rifle is a pretty decent rifle, with its CRIT+50.  I'm actually using a +7 Double Drosera Lever Action Rifle.  Drosera gives CRIT+15 to ranged attacks, though it doesn't show up on the status window.  Oddly I'm told that drosera doesn't work with FAS.  Anyways, the high attack of the lever action rifle and the bonus damage of critical attacks might make it stronger than the garrison, even with its lower attack speed.  In this screenshot, I have the effect of the vanberk card active as well, and Last Stand.

Even a stronger monster like an elder goes down to the critical fury of the lever action rifle.

Off to alarms!  I'm not actually sure why the Lever Action Rifle doesn't actually look like a rifle.  Actually thats a problem with most gunslinger skills and attacks, the sprite never really shows the correct sprite for what you're using.

One thing I'm confused about is that I can't actually figure out why I'm doing different critical damage in both of these screenshots.  Nothing really has changed...

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Here's a video of clocktower leveling on gunslinger.  Again note that when the video starts there was a 5 level difference, and I had slightly lower damage until my first level up.

Also, don't mind the icecream!  I'm using 2x snowier cards, giving me a 40% chance to get icecream when killing a monster.  It also means icecream gives me about the same healing as a white potion.  Its good stuff for no-expense leveling.

There are, sometimes negative side-effects though!

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