Doddler's RO Journal

Spawn Tracking and Upgrading

By Doddler on October 29, 2007 in category 'General'

So today I decided I would update RODE with the new map spawns.  Its quite a simple process.  I use my custom homunculus AI that records monster IDs, and run across the map until I'm certain I've seen each and every single monster.  I copy the log file out of the directory, update RODE map info, and move on to the next map.

You do see some odd things like this.  These guys were all stuck on one cell for some reason.

I got all the fields, but thor volcano appeared to be a race to see how much spawn info I can get before I start losing % exp.  Unfortunately, its not that much, as homunculus has no spawn immunity.

And I gave up after 3% loss at 95.  I got 1f's spawns aproximate, you better be happy with just that!

Bored, I took some time off at the races.  Got a few double race wins! Not bad.

Still a long way to go though.

I also came along the idea that I needed a brutal stone buckler.  My goal was a +6 one... so I grabbed a stone buckler off the shelf.

Not to be discouraged, I bought more.


I hate this game sometimes.

One made it to +5...  I wanted +6, but I didn't want to risk it cause I don't have much money.

I... guess not.  I'll have to stick to +5.

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Rachel Fun

By Doddler on October 28, 2007 in category 'General'

 So I figured I'd take a break from the norm MVP'ing and decided to sit down to an hour or so of good leveling for Shikieiki (my Lif).  After some careful consideration, I decided to head down to Rachel Sanctuary.

I can see why Rachel is popular for homunculus users.  While the debuffs and powerful attacks are very annoying to most people, they do not affect you when you can dodge them.  And dodging is easy against these things.

These things seemed to drop quite frequently.  Its a real shame that they dropped in price so much, cause I have a whole bunch of them now.

Enough to equip all my characters. 

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Another Day in the Life

By Doddler on October 25, 2007 in category 'MVP'

A pretty uneventful day.  Did some mvp hunting, and got mistress and phreeoni some.  Got an OCA again from Mistress.

**drum roll**

I should have learned last time.

I did some bio3 on my LK a bit with some guildies.  I wouldn't really call it leveling, because leveling would require us to probably have a HP in our party with assumptio.  Net exp: -2%.  I didn't get any shots of that, but you can imagine it as 30 minutes of us being chased down by SD sinx's.

I did get a bit bored so I decided to hit Geffenia f or some rare hunting.  Between the AK's, Incubus, Succubus, Bloody Knight, and the hordes of magic swords, there's some good rares to be had.

Damn I own.

Or maybe not!

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Never Again

By Doddler on October 24, 2007 in category 'MVP'

So after last night's (technically today's) fun time with bapho, I decided I should go back and get him.  I moved my characters into position, a sort of make-shift bapho battle squad.

Now normally I do about 7k pierce damage against bapho.  Getting him to shoot earthquake at no one isn't exactly that hard, so I usually get a free 30 seconds to throw damage at him on my LK.  On average I probably do 60k-100k damage before I have to dodge back into the portal to avoid the next earthquake and rebuff.  Yesterday took about 20 minutes to take him down.

Unfortunately something was very wrong today, because at about the hour mark I realized he had not yet gone into power up.  It turns out he was healing because some random people kept provoking him and going near him while I regenned.

Upset that I couldn't kill him, I decided to bring out the big DPS, my biochemist.  The biochemist is pretty pricy and with the nerf the bombs only do about 22k damage, but I figured baphos at low HP, and I wanted to get it done with quickly.

Unfortunately I ran the same issue with my biochemist that I ran into on the LK.  He just heals too damn fast to leave combat for any length of time.  I used almost 60 bombs to kill him.  Lets get that in a big, bold font.


Isn't that flashy.  60 bombs should have been enough to kill two bapho's from full HP, but instead it was barely enough to kill a half dead bapho.  I'm so upset over the whole thing.

But lets take a look at the drops.

Holy cow! Lets get a closeup on that.


Wow.  I appologize for the terrible formatting I'm putting you through, but this is my journal.

Lets review. 1.98m in bombs, about 551k in whites, for an ori.

So yeah... never again.

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