Doddler's RO Journal

Lif Leveling and Bapho Time

By Doddler on October 24, 2007 in category 'MVP'

So after a pretty quick Mistress MVP run, I had some free time and decided to simply wander around.  I ended up at Argiopes, and eventually landed in the Forest Labyrinth.

I decided to stick around leveling my Lif because I had neglected to level her for quite some time.  I got 2 of these damn Angelic Protections while I was down there.  I don't mind getting rares, but these things take up more space than they're worth.

And there's my level. No MATK bonus, which is a bit of a shame.  I hope she gets one before she hits 99.

I did however end up running into my old arch-nemesis, Baphomet.  I havn't really played with him much since the patch, other than knowing he hurts, and he hurts badly.

So bombing him proved to be less effective than I had initially anticipated.  I can't just let an MVP roam free (what good man would let that happen), so I switched to the heavy artillary.

I decided to gear up my Knight in Bapho-slaying mode, and dragged the support priest down for buffs.

Overall it went pretty well.  Hell's Judgement kind of hurts but its not so bad (brandish hurts a lot more).  The earthquake was quite annoying though.  Its easy enough to portal hop when you see it coming, but it really breaks the rhythm of the fight.

And victory, again, is mine.

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By Doddler on October 23, 2007 in category 'General'

So I finally hit job 40 on my Taekwon kid.  I mostly did it hoping I would find a porcellio card I could use on my LK, but apparently I'm not that lucky.

I kind of like the Taekwon Master quest.  Unlike other job change quests where it seems to be just plain labor, you kind of get the feeling that you're learning something.  The quest gives TKM's a very unique feel, which unfortunately I don't think is very well expressed in the classes actual skills.

And I'm done.

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Mistress Sucks

By Doddler on October 22, 2007 in category 'MVP'

I've decided that only stupid people or crazy people hunt mistress, and usually those people are both.  I think I must be both cause I somehow keep coming back. Somehow, 40 minutes of searching, 200k in bombs, isn't usually worth it for the odd Elu.

Sometimes though, I think it might even be worth it.

**Drum Roll**

Damn my luck sucks. 

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First Post

By Doddler on October 22, 2007 in category 'General'

Alright, this is something I wanted to do for a while now.  In all honesty, I originally wanted to use as a personal journal of sorts, but its taken its role as a news site so I never really got a chance to run a journal.

Basically, what it come down to is that I simply plan to document stuff I do while playing RO.  Really boring, but it gives me something to do when I'm not working on something or grinding away.

You may notice that this page is ugly, and shall we say, lacking in features.  I would say thats "as intended", but the truth is that I'm simply too lazy to set up full fledged wordpress for this.  So simple features, such as posting comments, will simply not exist until I get really bored and put it in later.

That said, I hope this site feature is interesting to users.

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