Doddler's RO Journal

Ragnarok Renewal Test Server: Week 1

By Doddler on September 1, 2008 in category 'kRO Sakray RE'

Long time no post!  As some of you might know, the Korean RO staff are currently running a large scale balance change patch called Renewal.  Renewal changes stretch across most areas of RO, and fundamentally change gameplay mechanics.  If you're not overly familiar with the update, I suggest you read up at least the first post on the irowiki thread (here) before you read further or you might be confused!

The concept of Renewal is basically to scale back mechanics.  A fundamental flaw with RO is that much of its mechanics were... exponential in nature, from the experience chart, to attack power, cast time, defense, monster attack.  These things have scaled over the years to give us an RO that really can't expand.  So Renewal is Gravity's response to the current game flaws.

Renewal was in closed testing for 4 weeks, and now is in open testing.  This means that those of us with free kRO accounts can play.  For testing purposes, the server, called "Sakray R" or "Sakray RE" has 10 times experience and drop rates, and most every piece of equipment and non mvp cards are on sale from specific vendors in prontera.  A full stat and skill reset npc is also available. 

Now that the first week of testing has come to an end, I decided I will chronicle my experience with you.

Right off the bat things you can see things are a bit different.  The NPC failed to actually give me a level because the base experience requirements have changed.  Hit and Flee are also noticeably different stats, though really they're not much different than they are now except they show the base amount.

After a minute stabbing porings, which was really really easy because they die in 1 shot, I hit job 10.  As you can tell the base/job ratio is quite different.

This is the vendor row in prontera, that sells all the gear.

An example of the armor shop.  Lots of the gear that is regularly sold from vendors have their original price, but lots of rare items only cost 20z.  The same goes for cards, they all sell for 20z.

Signs of a truly competitive war of emperium.

Thanks in no part to the horribly documented irowiki guide on the job change test, I hit mage. 


In the first shot here I'm using firebolt 1 with my dagger.  In the second shot, I'm using my novice wand, a 32matk staff.  The formula seems to favor weapon attack.  Unarmed the magic damage doesn't vary at all, the variance of magic attack power seems to come entirely from the weapon you have equipped.  In the end after playing for a bit, a good mage will have his damage around 50/50 based on stats and his weapon.

An entirely new concept in the renewal update, is the fact that you cannot (or can't easily) damage monsters that are much higher level than you.  Monsters in which you incur a damage penalty have their name shown in red.

After poking around hornets from level 3-10, I went to rockers.  Already at level 10 the magic damage is pretty good.  Its not hard to one shot monsters of your level at this point.

Just wow. 

After massacring rockers for literally all of 5 minutes, I was becoming too high level for the area.  If your base level is too much above the monsters, your experience drops drastically.  So at level 20 I headed down to culverts.  At this point I could damage thief bugs normally.

The place was pretty easy so I went all the way down to floor 4.  At my level I didn't do that much damage to them but overall it was still good experience.

I encountered a rather annoying problem, what became a reoccurring theme.  While for the most part zones are leveled properly so that a player of the right level for the map could properly fight the monsters there.  Unfortunately some monsters, particularly the ones that appear on more than one area, are too high level for players leveling there.  I couldn't harm drainlairs for example, and cramps are in the level 80 range.


After leaving culverts, I cut a path across western midgard, first clearing out coco's, and around level 40 started making my way through the orc fields.  Once I got soul strike high enough I could one shot them.

Its worth mentioning that most mage skills seem to cast considerably faster.  Bolts seem about 1/4th their original rate.

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Here's a short video I made of me leveling my mage.  Note the decent damage for the characters level, and the speed at which he can cast skills.

And yes, I do get the irony of using RO2 music for the video. 

After orcs, around 46 I went down to orc dungeon.  At around 10%-15% per kill (at 10x rate), and monsters dying easily in firewall or a single soul strike, you can imagine just how fast it was.  It was only a couple minutes before I hit job 50.

A rather unusually placed NPC in orc dungeon will change your job to second class without doing a quest.  Its also quite flashy too.

At this point I noticed that while players have a hard time hitting and damaging monsters higher level than them, it appears as though monsters also have that same problem.  I guess annoying mobs are far less annoying if they can't hit you.

This is where the portal to (what is currently) west high orcs usually is.  According to gravity, the map is removed.  I wonder if its a permanent change or just temporary.

Drillers and Sidewinders provided good experience in the level 60-70 range.  They spawn on the old mistress map.  Drops are nice too!

While killing monsters much higher level than you isn't generally practical, it is possible.  This argiope is 8 levels higher than my player.

Old school, frost diver + JT!

Higher level monsters seem to be affected by status effects for far less time than monsters of your own level.  I couldn't use Jupitel Thunder 10 because argiopes would usually break free.

Monster heals seem broken.  Shown here is a geographer healing for... 0.

Here's me successfully killing a monster 11 levels higher.  The penalty for monster levels seems to go in steps.  At 5 levels higher, your damage goes down by half, and at 10 levels higher, you take an even higher penalty.  Still, its possible to kill, but generally not worth it to do so.

Same skill, now only 9 levels different.  Its rather jarring when you go from doing 260 damage to doing 1200 damage just by leveling up.

From the looks of things, the town of Umballa leads directly to the Yggdrasil roots.  I guess that means the Umballa dungeon is completely gone...  Not that its a big deal, I didn't like the dungeon much myself but its odd for them to remove entire dungeons.  Also, what happens to the sign quest?  Maybe they'll move the guys hut.

I can only imagine this is due to a typo.  Earth petites are apparently undead race and undead element.

Around level 82 I decided to perform alarm genocide.  Even at this point, leveling is really quite fast.

Who in the world uses LoV while leveling?  Well apparently I do.  Its a bit stronger I think, but not really that great.  Well SG now freezes almost too often to be reliable damage, and meteor storm while high damage is pretty random, so I guess LoV is probably the most 'reliable' AoE.  Its too bad the cast time is nerfed so hard.  More on this later.

TI was my next destination after clock tower.  Most monsters died rather fast, with the exception of freezers which were slightly outside of my leveling range.

Rather pointless but it looks cool!


Two examples of how outleveling a monster by more than 10-15 levels gimps its ability to do... anything to you.

Breezes are very very scary monsters.  After renewal, you should probably avoid them.

Frost Diver + JT wins again! 

Oddly when leveling wizard I tend to only use my mage skills because dex doesn't reduce cast time enough.  While I understand the intention here, that large AoE skills should take a long time to cast, 10-15 seconds is a long time in RO.  They're destructive and very powerful, and currently wizard in RO could live without casting any skill other than stormgust.  Rather broken I think.  But under the current renewal update, there'll be pretty well no way that those skills will be cast in WoE.  I think it would be acceptable if say, they reviewed rules for interrupting skill casts, because right now I don't think its realistic to have skills take so long to cast and be able to stop them to just a simple tap.

Yay for siromas, the new level 90 leveling zone.

So my friend decided to join me on the renewal server, so I started a new character.  This time I decided I would go monk.

It doesn't take long to get to this point.  In fact, up to level 70 or so I was regretting the 10x rates because I couldn't really experience much of the lower level content.

I usually took 1 damage from orc zombies, thanks partially to the now very powerful divine protection skill, but your defense goes down very quickly if you have a sizable mob.

Yeah, 1 damage from orc zombies.  Since defense seems to be calculated strictly as direct reduction, in that your defense directly reduces the targets attack power, it can come a point where the damage is reduced as far as it will go.  This is generally only noticeable on lower level monsters, or in this case I get an additional -40 damage from undead and demon with divine protection.  It helps that monster attack power is way lower.

You know I thought that the plan was to scale back attack power, but really I think most characters with decent weapons will actually be stronger after the patch.  The reliance on weapon attack power is pretty obvious though, much more than with magic attacks.  I guess thats not a bad thing... a priest for example, even with no strength could pick up a suitably strong weapon and start leveling without too much penalty.

Since defense is subtraction type now, monsters like Horongs are no longer invincible to regular melee damage.  They take reduced damage for sure, but they certainly take much more.

Dead branches is a very very annoying problem.  As you might imagine because of the level restrictions, its quite possible for monsters that are impossible for you to kill to come from dead branches.  Compounding this problem is the fact that some monsters are higher than level 99... this flame skull, though you might not imagine it due to its pathetic damage is in the level 120-130 range.

Mimics, annoying no longer.

Another example of monsters too strong for certain areas.  Pyramids 4f is a level 70 zone, but several ancient mummies, level 120 spawn there.


Heal formula has changed too.  Its now based on your MATK.  Since rods contribute heavily to your matk, you probably shouldn't use heal without one equipped.  The left shot is heal 3 without a weapon, and on the right is heal 3 with a bone wand.  Note that I don't have much int (probably only 10 at this point).

While gravity's leveling chart said hill winds were level 101, they're really only level 74, and good hunting to boot.  I found out the hard way though that flee penalty for mobbing is still very much real!

Veins fields are all kinds of screwed up.  Muscipular are killable in the 75 area, but drosera are almost 10 levels higher.  The galions that spawn there are over level 100.  Not to mention that you can't even walk from Rachel to Veins, because they removed Veins field 01.

Finally a magmaring field!  They're good leveling too.

Kasa's seem considerably weaker, even though they're now in the 120 range.  I guess that since assumptio no longer halves damage, that these monsters had to be toned down too.


Clock Tower is definitely the place to be level 80-90.  CT HO's are pretty efficient, as are alarms.

While I am packing more flee than most characters would, using a mocking undershirt + pantie, +15 flee from the monk skill and almost 90 base agi, it seems that dodging in general is a bit easier than it was before.

I couldn't really explain this.  Whispers took the same damage with and without a weapon.  Under normal rules you shouldn't even be able to hit them.

They definitely take more damage with an elemental weapon!  I'm totally confused. 

The level 90 zone of choice is Turtle Island now.  As I mentioned earlier, the change in the way defense is calculated makes certain monsters considerably easier.

Out of all the leveling from 1-90, my character was never in a real threat of dying.  I don't even carry potions with me because what I don't flee generally doesn't hurt too much.  TI was the first place I generally was at risk of dying if I didn't pay attention.

Well trying to kill necromancers isn't a good way to live either. 

Yup, armor defense just isn't what its cracked up to be anymore.

Occult Impaction 3 on a monster considerably higher level than me (14 levels I think).  Even skills that bypass defense are reduced by the level difference.

When fighting a monster thats higher level than you, you definitely get a penalty to your damage, and you definitely get a penalty to your hit rate, but it doesn't appear as though the opponent gets a bonus to his hit (beyond the +1 hit per level).  That creates relatively amusing scenes when fighting higher level monsters when really you both can't do crap all to each other.

The sting is about 10 levels higher than me, and I ended up having to kill it with occult (600 damage) because my melee attack didn't do any damage.

To some, you'd think Sakray RE means Ragnarok Upgrade Sim.  There's an npc in town that upgrades items free of zeny or item cost.  As cool as that is, it seems like a seriously large portion of the players online are using this npc at any given time.

Yeah kinda random.

There's a field near Einbroch with groups, no, ARMIES of teddy bears.  Its the most frightening thing I've seen in RO for a long time.

Well, I can dodge breeze on monk but I still can't kill them.

Battle Biochemist!  Nothing special, I just thought they were rare enough that I should screenshot it.  I guess thats probably going to be the norm after renewal though, since int builds are probably a thing of the past.

A bit of a showcase here about how things have changed.  Damage from most monsters is way down, and even I can flee her a little.  Her skills still hurt like all hell though, and I did have only around 60% dodge rate.  Still, she's a level 140 monster now... and no one would consider dodging her before the patch.  I guess things are just that much different.

Aren't dead branches annoying?  Leveling in zones with monsters that drop them is particularly bad.  Another monster that failed to be able to hit me.  I can't really do much against these monsters though.

I love the job they did with amatsu.  It looks so nice.  I got a good amount of time to appreciate it because apparently there are no monsters in the field.  Oops?

There were monsters in the dungeon though, and it was a fairly good 95 zone.  The weirdest thing here was the tengu's provoke though.

You can see that my damage jumped up from 530 or so to 760-800... an impressive boost.  What you can't see though is that the damage monsters did to me also jumped from about 140-160 a hit to about 450 a hit.  It actually made it a fairly challenging place to level.

Another ghost element monster.  This time my regular attacks only do 1.

...except my skills apparently do more, even though I'm not elemental endowed.  Screwed up in many ways.

Apparently I can crit them too... though the critical damage appears to be equal to my unarmed attack power.  Again very confused. 

TI was probably the better leveling zone for me so I decided to head back, now that I was in proper level range of assaulters.


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Here's a video I made of leveling the monk down in TI 4F.  Its nothing too interesting, and doesn't really show too much of the new mechanics, but it gives you an idea of how I was leveling.

From TI I decided to make the last push to 99 at ice dungeon.  Unfortunately 99 wouldn't be the last leveling I need to do before I go trans, because the job experience rate is so bad.  I haven't mentioned this yet but I probably should have, job experience is much, much slower than it was before.  In general, by the time you get to 99 you'll be anywhere from job 46-48.  Yeah. 

Occult Impaction Lv 3 on a level 110 monster.  Again there's a hefty reduction in damage here.

Yay, level 99!  ... 99/46.

Apparently this assassin has found out the secret to 190 attack speed.  My guess would be 3x cecil damon cards in a high upgraded wind element katar, but I might be wrong.

After getting job 47, I finally unlocked guillotine fist.  While its partially obscured, the damage on siroma, a level 98 monster, was 31798, with no weapon equipped.

Do you know how hard it is to take guillotine fist shots where the damage isn't obscured?  Anyways, the damage on an ice titan, a monster that is 11 levels higher, is 8104.

The conclusion I drew from testing so far is that when a monster is 5 levels higher than you, your attack power is penalized by 50%.  When a monster is 10 levels higher, its penalized by 75%.  The higher level also appears to get a bonus to their defense rate (which also appears to occur after skill modifiers), though I haven't been able to determine exactly how much it is.  With your attack power lowered, subtraction defense is considerably stronger, which is why your normal attacks almost always do 1's to monsters 10+ levels above you.

To further prove a point, I decided to test things the other way around.

Currently in RO you receive a -5% penalty to DEF for every monster above 2, just like you receive a flee penalty.  It appears that if you mob enough low level monsters, that your defense drops so much that it can even negate the bonus defense you get from your level difference.  It appears as though you still get the % reduction but you can lose the defense reduction you get.  Not sure exactly how its calculated because I'm sure hill winds have around 200-300 attack power.  Maybe there's further % reduction steps above 10 levels difference (the damage I received would be in line with 90% reduction), since I outlevel hill winds by 25 levels.

Now thats a mob train!  I tried to run the test on orc zombies first but I couldn't get the damage to go above 1, likely due to divine protection and low attack power.

This is how my monk looks like now!  The weapon is a triple hurricane electric fist, pantie is picky card (didn't want the def reduction from porcellio), and the undershirt is whisper card.  Usually I use a double hurricane stunner, the highest attack power weapon available to monk, but the fist is stronger against siromas by a good amount once endow goes off.

And thats it!  Stay tuned for future installments.  I made a series of testing videos, that while I didn't embed them in this post, you can take a look at yourself.

Wizard cast time test

Wizard magic attack test 1

Wizard magic attack 2 / bolt cast test

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Convex Mirror and the MVP Monopoly

By Doddler on August 21, 2008 in category 'Ranting'

Brace yourselves for another long rant!

The MVP scene is interesting these days, especially for the high end MVPs. While current exploits involving ankle snare and icewall generally make these mvps doable with small parties (5-6 people), generally there's still a pretty hard learning curve involved in being able to do it efficiently. At one point in time, the end game MVPs would roam freely, and what ends up happening is one dedicated group of fellows starts to kill the boss. Being involved in this, when the guilds first started learning the ankle snare exploit, it would still take several hours to kill say, valkyrie randgris. There's just a bit of a learning curve involved and its an easy thing to screw up.

So as these guilds run unopposed at these bosses, they generally get more efficient, and generally you see mvps such as randgris going down in under 10-20 minutes. Because of the value of these drops, it becomes easy to gain wealth, and as a result attract members. The guild settles into a comfortable cycle where they are constantly killing the end game bosses.

The problem generally occurs when a second team wants to get involved. See, the second place contender doesn't have the luxury of hours of time with the boss to familiarize themselves and become experienced. Not only this, they don't even have the luxury of knowing when a boss appears. Not knowing when a boss spawns and having no previous experience in killing it is a losing recipe.

The story varies from server to server... however a quick overview of the MVP situation on jRO (with their 24 game servers), shows that almost all of them have a MVP monopoly team. Basically, the end game bosses, Valkyrie Randgris, Ifrit, and Beelzebub are being killed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and usually the only time a boss is alive unattended is in the case where one boss is currently being killed. While experience can be a big part in how successful a team can be in competing with the monopoly holder, not knowing when a boss appears is a key limiting factor... by the time you know a boss is alive, its too late to organize a proper team on a moments notice. You can potentially watch and try to get the spawn time ahead of time, but these bosses have a 8-12 hour spawn time, sitting there for 8 hours trying to find the spawn time, and then only being able to be competitive 8-12 hours after that, his prohibitively restrictive.

People on iRO Loki already know that the Insur alliance is the monopoly holder. As this point they have enough wealth and a strong enough player base that they can easily control the boss spawns 24 hours a day. Competition sometimes occurs, on the order of maybe once every two weeks. The interesting thing though with Insur alliance is at this point they've amassed enough wealth and gears and characters are so liquid between players in the alliance, that if competition occurs and they do think they have a chance of losing, then they don't even think twice about playing dirty. Grinding trans characters is a piece of cake, and their members are apathetic about losing accounts to bans for skill abuse, ill manner, etc. The only time temp bans really phase anyone is when their god items and mvp cards (such as GTB) are put out of commission. Its not a constant affair, they just have to discourage their opponents so they no longer wish to compete. As such, its probably been months since the alliance has actually lost drops from Valkyrie Randgris to another guild.

I thought about how it would be possible to level the playing field. Some other servers have interesting takes on it. On euRO for example, the GMs will punish players for using exploits such as ankle snare. Having to fight an MVP on fair and even ground drives the number of required roles up, and makes it harder to have complete coverage over a bosses spawns. Of course removing ankle snare exploit would increase the minimum requirements to participate in end game boss fights, but my tests with my guild mates have shown that every end game boss in RO at this time can be dealt with only a modestly equipped 12 man party without the use of GR, MVP cards, or any god items.

After further thinking about it, the largest roadblock preventing people from attempting end game bosses is indeed the fact that its nearly impossible to take the time away from a guild that has 24 hour coverage. Even if you did find the time and compete, unless you can muster a team every 8-12 hours, you'll eventually lose the time, and drop out from being a competitive force. Its one thing to find the time on a boss that spawns every hour, or even every two hours, but a party can't reasonably sit around and search for ifrit for 12 hours straight in an attempt to be competitive. If only there was a way to balance this out.

And interestingly enough, there is such an item. Its a controversial piece of kafra shop item called the Convex Mirror. iRO staff ruled out the Convex Mirror for sale in the kafra shop, though many ROs offer the item. The Convex Mirror, when used on a map where an MVP boss will spawn, tells the user the time that the boss monster will appear. Additionally it will show the bosses position on the mini map if it is alive (for up to 10 minutes after usage)- though you lose that effect if you leave the map.

I'm thinking perhaps, more and more, that if properly priced, that perhaps the convex mirror could have a place on iRO after all. If you could get a box of mirrors for 100-200 points, it would be a fair deal. I was initially opposed to it but these days, MVP competition is fairly low as it is for most; many boss monsters are simply left out. What the mirror has the potential to do however is bring back MVP'ing as a competitive aspect of RO. MVPs that are seemingly eternally held by monopoly guilds, and not just the end game mvps, ones like gloom under night too, could become competitive again.

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Randgris MVP Round 2

By Doddler on August 10, 2008 in category 'MVP'

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This is our second attempt at a guild 'No-Trap' Valkyrie Randgris event.  While our best run yet, it was not without mistakes.  I've been told the video here paints a pretty picture of what happened, so for those who want to see the full story, I created an uncut/unedited version using all of my recorded footage.  Dubbed the 'ichigo' version, after his monstrously under-edited 25 minute woe videos, this might be as uninteresting as it is long, but some might enjoy it.

Anyways the run was alright.  Some very basic mistakes probably kept it from being a solid run.  Two of our three high priests realized after they were wearing the wrong shield, we ran out of bombs halfway through causing us to disband temporarily, and our champion (a low str woe build no less) had this deep down obsession with killing one of her minions (a good idea), and obsession that apparently never ended even after we did kill one of them (a very bad idea).  Probably my mistake, but my armor chemical protection ended leaving me with a broken holy odin blessing... again resulting in another trip to town.  Still, it was faster than our last run and resulted in fewer wipes.

To address what occurs in the video specifically, tanking it with the LK was the way to go.  The guild has acquired an angeling odin blessing, which means LK tank is fully possible now.  I had overlooked the fact that sacrifice would break at each of her dispels, but combined with strings our paladin had no trouble recasting (when he remembered).

I'm not entirely sure why we died to the first earthquake.  The fact that some party members were not equipped with the correct reduction gear was probably not helping, but in the end we simply went with the assumption that the lack of assumptio on some members caused the wipe.  After we stressed re-assumptio'ing players things went a bit smoother for future earthquakes.  The reason why I attempted to flee was that as the clock quickly approached the 25 second mark since her last earthquake, with everyone still dead I felt we couldn't take another earthquake and wanted to get Randgris away from the party.  After all at that point my odin blessing had just broken (it just broke after the EQ that killed everyone), and I doubt I could tank her power upped attacks without it.  I was partially right, because her holy cross murdered me, but unfortunately I didn't get it far enough away.

So there it is.  I'm contemplating organizing our Beelzebub second attempt sometime in the near future.  I've heard rumors that the Exile skill is a forced-ranged attack and potentially block-able by pneuma at any range like clashing spiral is now.  Unfortunately to date I've been unable to test it.  If its true it could make Beelzebub quite a bit easier... its been something I wanted to know before attempting him.

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A real post!?

By Doddler on August 6, 2008 in category 'General'

A real post? Who would have thought!

So I decided I would 99 my Knight and trans him.  The reasoning behind it is fairly simple, and that's that my existing Lord Knight is hefty on the attack power, but a teensy bit lacking on the HP/Vit side.  To be fair he has 17500hp and 65 vit but to use an LK as a real tank you have to do better than that!

I actually started this Knight, Sir. Aegis a long time ago.  Sir Aegis is a name of probably one of my most respected players from jRO Baldur, who played a LK and Sniper (the sniper's name was narukagami.rebirth).  I decided I'd take the opportunity to get him to 99 during the last exp event (these screenshots are pretty old eh?).

Nearing the end the last 30% was made just a slight touch easier.

It wasn't cheap, thor leveling solo is never cheap, but I did it.

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And you thought you could get through an entire post without a video, didn't you!?  Too bad!  The whole transing with a mercenary works really well if you prepare properly before hand.  While it was technically 2x exp, I got to level 50 before the mercenary expired.  Sexy times.

Epic props to anyone who can identify the song this time. Its from one of my favorite console games from a good number of years back.


So the plan was to make a 'tank' LK.  Naturally though having an LK that can tank but not kill makes leveling suck pretty harshly, so I decided I would comprimise and go with a pure CS build.

Getting to job 50 by bashing hill winds with 1 str wasn't the easiest thing in the world, but ut was acceptable.

Yeah, it was something like that.  Just lots, and lots of that.

Clashing Spiral level 1 is fast casting, low SP cost, almost no delay, and 1 shots hill winds.  It was a pretty fast way to level.

It probably wouldn't be possible if I didn't prepare before hand, but I took the time to craft myself a +4 Kingbird Hunting Spear before this whole ordeal.  Its a pretty amazing piece of weapon.

One shotting monsters across the board is what CS is good at, so it makes leveling fairly quick.  The biggest drawback of Clashing Spiral, of all things is the very rough modifier based on size.  Since CS is based pretty much only on weapon weight and your % modifiers, you really notice the size mod.  The skill basically does 1750% on small monsters, 1400% on medium monsters, and only 1050% on large.  There's not much you can do to compensate for that difference either.

For the record, I maxed VIT first.

People generally presume CS has poor damage output but it can be fairly strong if you have magic strings.  You probably won't kill anything PVP or boss wise without a bard, but it can still be a useful skill.

An Odin Blessing hunting party.  The size mod helps damage on skeggiolds, since they're small.  There's probably better killers but the exp/hr is pretty amazing.  Well, base exp anyways.

This is a bit random, testing an odd bug where monster's won't teleport.  Apparantly its used on kRO when they weren't aware of the trapping exploit.  Durring testing we got it to work a few times but it was too unreliable and reliant on surroundings to be really useful.

Somehow, for some reason, I still hunt Lady Tanee.  The value of killing it isn't getting better, and the expenses (bombs) just keep getting worse.  Still, its something to do thats challenging that I can do solo.

It is nice to finally take her down though.

I had organized another no-trap Valkyrie Randgris run.  We had fully assembled and moved to Odin for the Valkyrie spawn.  Unfortunately we encountered an Wasa MVP party coming to compete, so players in the party decided to drop the event.  I'm pretty disapointed we didn't just go ahead with it, as it seems pretty stupid that we abandoned doing the MVP, but I guess thats life.

The gears used to tank Randgris.  Its not my Paladin though!  The armor is +7 Legion Plate Armor of Paladin, which grants holy property armor when used with the crusader armor set, which is fully present.  The shoes are pretty bad though!

And a bonus screenshot.  This is what wasn't recorded on camera at our no-trap ifrit run.  Wipe to guardians on 3f entrance.

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