Doddler's RO Journal

War Videos

By Doddler on May 27, 2009 in category 'War of Emperium'

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Recently I created a bunch of War of Emperium videos, and seeing how I've been neglecting updates here for a bit, I decided I'd post them.  This is just one video, there are two other WoE videos available on the video listing section of the site (under the WoE Video section).  Those looking for a high res version of this video can find it here.

I've been lucky enough the last two sieges to be able to use the ghostring armor and meginjard, which helps be competative.  Most guilds have a heavy reliance on biochemists and champions to do the work of clearing out players, so with the ghostring, it becomes difficult to die.  Offensively, even with the Meginjard, I'm not the best, but I can take out weaker targets and keep guilds occupied long enough for other stronger killers to get the job done, so I think I'm happy with that role.

I can't say much on the music, they were a bunch of random video game remixes I got from a friend, so I wouldn't be able to tell you the source or artist for most of them.  This video is a bit longer than lots of my other videos, but my guildies insisted I try to keep most action parts intact.

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Fallacious Okolnir - Brynhild

By Doddler on May 6, 2009 in category 'General'

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Those that have been checking the video section on the site have probably already seen this (its been there for about a week now), but here's our latest run of Okolnir.  Very few mistakes are made... probably reaching the peak of our efficiency for clearing the dungeon.

The video was edited a bit more than I usually do.  I'm not very good with intro's and fancy cuts, but I think I'm getting a bit better and the whole thing comes together pretty well.  The music is from the Touhou remix album 'Archiv East', mostly from disc 2.  The video quality is quite high, must more impressive than the last Okolnir video I made where the rendering quality and framerate were a bit wonky. The quality is to the point where we had to change our ventrill password!

Hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

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New Video Interface

By Doddler on April 20, 2009 in category 'Random Stuff'

I've been doing some site updates, partially with the upcoming (hopefully) RODE2 database, and with the journal page.  In particular, I've been re-vamping the video listings page.  Most of the changes are done on the backend, just making it easier to post new videos, but also there's a few other minor changes.  There's now a link button on the video player in the bottom right that allows you to get a direct link to that video.  I've broken it up into three categories.  The 'other servers' category has no videos atm, I plan on putting the old videos I've posted onto the player.  You can of course view the video listings on the right side menu.

As for the videos themselves, I've messed around with the encoding to MP4 settings and I think I got a good optimal setting for decent video quality and small size.  Hopefully this should fix streaming problems.  I won't be recompressing old videos but new ones should probably be about half the size of the new ones.  Unfortunately there's still an issue where a movie can only play up to a small portion of the buffered space.  I think this has to do with the metadata mover I'm using to make MP4's web playable... if someone has some tricks that might be able to fix this problem that would be pretty cool.

There are also two new videos, a bloody branch Beelzebub and Randgris.  I suppose I should cover these two.  Bloody Branched monsters have a strange AI, because until you hit them, they don't use skills and their mob is passive.  Once you hit them once, they go into their regular AI routine and start skilling, agressive mob, etc.  You can see we use this on both bosses to allow us to hold the MVP while we're setting up.  You don't get that luxury with non branched MVPs but its pretty handy. 

We used Taekwon master to kill both of them.  We used the talkie box trick to activate miracle for the bonus damage (don't ask me to explain this, sorry!), I'm not convinced its the best killer for those two, but it certainly is a good killer.  The damage was pretty good across the board.  Billy, our scholar is pretty impressive offtank.  He tanks using Kaahi (married to a linker) to automatically heal himself when he takes damage, and uses indulge to regenerate his SP.  With his gear, he does quite well.

For beelzebub, we used two main tanks.  While it didn't acutally happen to us, if one tank gets exiled, beelzebub will automatically switch targets to the second tank, and you usually have time to get back to the party before it can happen again.

Anyways take a look, they're pretty cool.  Let me know what you think about the new quality.  Again I used Camstudio, which only takes a small area from the center of the screen, how is that compared to my FRAPS videos?

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The last two months

By Doddler on April 2, 2009 in category 'General'

So I figure I really should be doing updates more frequently.  The funny thing is that I've cropped the images for making this post a few weeks back but always kept putting it off.  Well I guess I might as well get on it!  We're back to Valkyrie server again, for february~march.

Just two random, sort of scenic locations.

Those wondering about my attempt to gather valentines day rings, wonder no further.  I didn't win.  Didn't even come close!  Thanks to the few people that gave me rings though.

To be honest I'm not exactly a fan of how Taekwon Master became the top leveling class, but I have no choice but to go with it.  While others may enjoy their thor level 1, we enjoy our thor 3f.  Ever since iRO changed kasas and salamanders to use shield reflect at low HP, the skill rarely becomes a problem.  With miracle, the TKM can kill them quite fast.

Oh oh!  Respawning monsters unfortunately is always a problem.


Another pull gone very wrong.

Thor's isn't the only alternate spot to get experience, the Crack of Dimension is pretty good.  Of course, the real reason for going is for diabolus manteaus and diabolus rings, items we've failed to get so far.

As you'd kind of expect, Taekwon Master is probably the strongest role for this type of leveling as well.


Curse my bad luck.

Sealed Shrine has been a sort of a rare pass-time that we sometimes get around to doing.  Its pretty fun, though the first part feels almost like its there just to slow you down from getting to the boss rather an actual dungeon of sorts.

Mini dark illusion!  Having soul linkers along is amusing sometimes.

While I didn't get any screenshots with baphomet, we did get one of these.  The doll went to Writhing, who used it to get the massively attrocious looking Gigantic Baphomet Horns.  Well, at least the stats are good!

Endless Tower is something that in all honesty I'd like to do much more often than we do right now.  It's always a fun time, though it can be a little hecktic on the upper levels.

Another lots of death screenshot.

It might not look like it but there's 4 hydrolancers and their mobs in there!

And our trip comes to an end due to an angry fallen bishop.

The new iRO headgear to come out is pretty appealing.  While the box events are a bit too frequent for my liking, I definately enjoy the design on the new headgears...  It looks pretty awesome with the robo eyes and the iron cain.  I'm impressed that headgears of this visual callibur are available only on iRO.

So I've been told that I don't do enough posts with MVP's in them.  To fix this, the remainder of the post will contain nothing bug MVPs.

This particular fight with Satan Morroc was pretty interesting.  Unfortunately we never got a chance to see the fight to its conclusion because some of our members eventually had to leave.  Next time we'll get him!

We've also been periodically taking on Valkyrie Randgris.  While there's still a bit of a learning curve because lots of our members haven't done this kind of thing before, we did eventually kill it.

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Here's a movie of our randgris run.  I appologize for the quality, I was testing out how well Cam Studio recorded for a real MVP run.  The results were satisfactory, though there were some issues saving the file that caused the video to blank out at some points.  Also you can enjoy an unintentially amusing windows crash.

Spoilers for the previous movie.

So what else have I been killing?  We'll I'll show you!  Rest assured that I won't be doing this kind of posting in the future, so bear with me this one time.

That's quite a bit isn't it?  Out of all of those, Lady Tanee is quite possibly the hardest to do.  Thank goodness for Convex Mirrors though!

So that's it for today.  Hopefully I'll be able to update more frequently than I have been.

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