Doddler's RO Journal

Randgris MVP

By Doddler on July 10, 2008 in category 'MVP'

Funny enough, we never did get to try round 2 of our Beelzebub No-Trap run, but here we are doing Valkyrie Randgris instead.  As some of you may have noticed from the iRO change logs, the GMs have been tweaking boss monsters to make it less practical to trap them.  Ultimately their final goal will likely be to make the MVPs only doable by tanking (though I'm not sure how they'll stop icewall-gfist).

While a noble goal, one that is surely an attempt to get players to play the game the way it was meant to be played, many of us are still spiteful.  I personally don't have any hard feelings over this concept, and in fact would welcome it with open arms (trapping is pretty lame anyways), if it weren't for the fact that many of us rightfully feel that some obstacles, namely the skill Earthquake, are simply too powerful.  Anyone who's spent any real time playing with the earthquake calculator probably has a good idea why.  In a full 12 man party, expecting everyone to be able to survive 15k-20k damage is a bit much.

I felt that nothing is going to happen if we sit around and wait for the GMs to make it impossible on us, so I decided to take the opportunity to show them.  In particular, I scheduled a No Trap Randgris run with the guild, and invited the iRO community manager 'Heimdallr' to spectate.  Insurrection and Alpha together are the strongest MVP'ing guilds currently on Loki, and I felt that our performance would give the GM's a decent bar in witch to gauge performance, and perhaps they could see for themselves if it needs changing.  So with this in mind, I wrote up a strat for the event, and tried convincing players to join.

View the Strat Here.

Perhaps it was because people were a little confused over the concept (since realistically I didn't expect much to come of this), but we ended up getting considerably more attendance than we had planned for.  This had the unfortunate side effect of making it easier than expected and made the show I had planned a little less effective, but I guess its not that big of a deal.  I counted 17 people total in attendance, though I could have counted wrong.  This effectively means we'd take about 30% less damage from earthquake.

The fight itself started off quite smooth.  We ended up setling on a Champion killer, with additional DPS in the form of Sniper and SinX.  We easily dispatched one of Randgris's minions to make it easier, and while her constant spear boomeranging (one of the anti-trap fixes) was annoying while trying to move it into position, we managed to get it tanked pretty well how we wanted.  The fight was quite easy at full HP, and only really started getting tough once she hit the 30% mark.

For those that aren't familiar with Randgris's AI, when she hits 30% remaining HP, she'll use Power Up (3x atk), Agility Up (3x dodge), Two Hand Quicken (2x aspd), always in that order, followed immediately by Earthquake.  Let me say she's like a completely different monster at this point.  We anticipated that she would do this and planned on using Dispel to remove the buffs, but due to the unfortunately disorganized nature of our party, it more often than not caused Randgris to switch and rampage among our people.

With our numbers Earthquake didn't kill people so much, but it was quite a strain on our party.  Personally I was being hit for about 2500-3500 a hit, so 7500-10000 total damage.  If we were in a small party, people would have been dropping.  I don't think it would be enough to fully wipe us, but the problem with Earthquake isn't so much how much it hurts, its the frequency.  Randgris will use earthquake every 25 seconds... which might sound like a lot of time, but when people are dying, scrambling to get back up, rebuffed, and start dealing damage, its pretty rough.

Luckily due to Sacrifice and a lot of HP I never personally died to earthquake (10000 damage is only 1/2 my HP).  I think our sac paladin was cheating too and using Ghostring cause he never died either and he was saccing me.  The thing that killed the tank (me) most often though was probably dispel followed by a powerful attack.  It was considerably harder to deal with than I expected.  Randgris's incredibly high attack power while in Power Up meant that if assumptio dropped, I would be taking 30000 damage from her Brandish Spear and similar from her Pulse Strike and Sonic Blow.  I probably should have been packing more Def than I was though.

In the end, we did win.  It was a battle time of approximately 15-20 minutes, and only one (semi) wipe.  I did better than I personally expected, but I may attribute that to the higher number of people we brought along.

So what did I learn?  First off, the GM changes were pretty nice, the lack of Valkyrie healing while tanking the boss is certainly nice.  Earthquake isn't quite as bad as I expected it to be from Randgris.  Of course I would probably say different if we had just the intended 12 person party, but party organization broke down pretty bad so we may still have been able to do it.  A 12 person party I think is a bit much for an MVP though of Randgris's caliber though, and while I'm not quite as offended by Earthquakes power as I was before, I do think that it needs adjustment.  Its not just Randgris afterall, Earthquake is a deterrent that makes MVPs like Orc Lord, Baphomet, and RSX waaay harder than they should be.  Maybe gravity always intended Randgris to be a 12 man afair, but being spoiled by years of exploits in killing the MVP means its drops are no longer worth the effort of that many people. 

Also, While Randgris's earthquake hurts, Ifrit is considerably stronger, with his powered up earthquake doing about DOUBLE that of what we encounted today... not to mention he uses it more frequently too (20s delay versus 25s delay).  So yeah, I do think it needs to be changed.  Personally I would want it to be brought into range so that its balanced at Ifrit for a 8-10 man party.  Unfortunately I think my original statement still stands... when an MVP is using Earthquake in Power Up, the skill is doing well, 3x more than it should.  An assumption based on the fact that a 12 man party is taking about 28000 damage total per person from an earthquake under the current calculations.  I stand by my original statement that the proper fix would be either to prevent Power Up from affecting Earthquake damage, or to halve its attack. 

Who knows if it will ever be changed though.  I do hope so though, because I think its power is one of the leading deterrents from dealing with the current high tier MVPs in a legitimate (no bug abuse) fashion.

Note: Sorry about the lack of video... I would have had one for you but fraps was crapping out on me and only recording at 5fps so I had to stop.

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kRO: Return of the Baphomet

By Doddler on July 2, 2008 in category 'kRO Baphomet'

Surprise! One (actually more than one) of the people here have volunteered to help me get back onto kRO Baphomet server, so the kRO free server feature will continue!

Just in time for the new RO episode 13.1... though I won't have much to do with many of the 13.1 features since they're mostly end game content.  This here is the new login screen!  I'm not sure what I think of the new art style, but its certainly not too bad.

The nProtect window that comes up when you launch RO.  I lol'd.

While iRO has a brief rating splash screen and an obscenely long terms of services that no one has ever actually bothered reading yet it still prompts you every single time when you launch the client, kRO has this!  Basically a screen that provides its rating.  I somehow think kRO's solution is better~.

Since I lost access to my old characters on Bapho, I have to start over... again.  I somehow thought that leveling a mage would be a good idea.  I didn't realize at the time however how much that would suck.  Half exp is not a good time, and let me say that when you can't kill spores (walking balls of job exp), the time you spend as a novice is not very enjoyable.  I spent over an hour hitting job 10.

On the plus side, when I finished the novice training ground, I was given both a novice staff (+16% matk) and a novice cutter (50 atk dagger), both of which are usable as a mage.  This certainly makes things easier.

At least the mage test is easy when people are vending Payon water.  Saves me the trip.

Class change!

Here's how the skill tree looks for mage on the new tree view.  Skills you don't have are grey'd out as you can see.

When you have skill points you can apply, the skills that you can currently allocate points into are shown in a pinkish color.

Mousing over a skill not only lists the prerequisites now, but also highlights them.

Of course you don't have to keep the window expanded in tree view.  You can go back to the existing default view.  All the skills you have access to, not just the ones you unlocked now show up on this list.

Not shown here is that the Use and Close buttons are gone, now replaced are a new 'Apply' and 'Cancel' buttons.  When you click to level up a skill, the level becomes shown in blue.  You don't actually lose the skill points until you click apply, which brings up a confirmation box asking if you're sure you want to apply your skill points.  If you hit cancel (or just close the skill window) all your changes are reverted and you keep your skill points.  While the Use button is gone, you can still activate a skill by double-clicking on the icon in the skill list.

Overall I like the new system.  Its a bit clunkier than I kind of expected, but overall its quite nice.  Particularly nice is the fact that I can see skill prerequisites and can plan out a skill build without having to tab out or close the game client, something I think is really annoying.

My life as a mage.

After gaining some levels I decided to try out some more dangerous things.

Here's the entrance to the new Orc Dungeon Instance "Orc Recollection".  Its a mid level instance, restricted to players level 30 ~ 80, designed for a party (or one really strong 70-80 character).  Of course curiosity got the best of me, seeing how I had not previously used the Memorial Dungeon system.

This is what greeted me inside.  Anopheles, the bane of all that is good.  These are worse than normal anopheles too, because when you mouse over them they show no name, so the only way to really see them is to spot their shadow on the ground, which is hard in such a dark dungeon.

Anyways the way the memorial dungeon works is this.  You talk to the stone, which gives you the option to create the dungeon for your party (you have to be party leader).  When you do so, the memorial dungeon window comes up (you can view it later with alt-b), that gives you an estimate (in minutes) on how long it should take to create the instance.  Almost every time I did it it took under a minute to create, though once when there were several people there ahead of me it took 2 minutes.

When the instance is ready, the window will say the dungeon is created, and give you a time/date that it is valid until (2 hours for the orc instance).  While you are outside of the dungeon you can also elect to abandon the instance (you can't invite/leave or change party while inside an instance).  Once its created, you talk to the entrance NPC and you'll be warped into the dungeon.  When entering you'll have a quest added to the quest window pertaining to the instance you enter.  While this isn't really important for the orc dungeon instance,  this quest entry lists a date/time that pertains to when you can re-create a new instance.  Dungeon like the Endless Tower have a delay time where you are unable to create or enter a new version of that instance for 1 week after you've done it once.  This is what prevents re-entry, so you can look up how long you have until you can try it again.

If everyone has left the instance, the window will automatically change to give you a 5 minute timer.  If your entire party remains outside of the instance for 5 minutes, the instance automatically closes.

So thats everything I found out about the Memorial Dungeon system.

This shot shows the delay time on the orc dungeon instance.  If the instance is closed though, you can talk to the entrance NPC and it will be removed from your list.

Anyways I began getting the feeling that maybe mage wasn't the best starting choice, so I changed gears and went Thief.

A quick glance at the thief skill window in tree view.

Aaaand the regular skill list view.

I decided to do the Thief job quests for the heck of it.  An interesting thing is that quest experience isn't affected by server rate.  Like on Sakray how you still got just normal experience from quests, on Baphomet you also get normal experience from quests... that makes quests pretty nice things to do actually.  Also the Trace of Battle quest gives you 5k zeny reward, which is pretty nice for a character of my level.

...Getting a red gemstone and green potion were harder than I anticipated though.  Red gemstone I eventually found from a thiefbug egg, but green potion was a bit of a shock.  To my surprise, none of the shops in prontera, payon, or morroc actually sold green potions.  I imagine they may be sold somewhere in the game world because I eventually I found a player selling a whole bunch for 500z.

A surprising chance encounter with Dragon Fly.  Expensive as all hell, I had to run back to town, restock on the cheapest HP item I could find (funny enough, I ended up bying bananas), and running back to kill it.

I couldn't find it after the hour had passed.  My belief is that kRO may still have spawn variance on minibosses, even though iRO had removed it.  I'll have to research this one more later.

A not so lucky chance encounter.

A brief visit to the battlegrounds prep room.  It seems like its a pretty popular feature.  The question that remains is if it is popular because its fun, or if its popular because it has good rewards.  I mean people do monster races, but definately not because they're fun.  This is one of the main questions I want to answer durring my play time on kRO... I'm just way too low level to find out right now.

All kinds of crazy gears for sale that aren't even available on iRO yet.

This is a bit of a confusing thing.  There's like a billion of these boxes for sale, but I can't for the life of me figure out what the heck they actually are.

Back for some orc dungeon instance time, on thief now!

Again the anopheles prove annoying as all hell.  You can't even see them in this picture!  Luckly I planned for this, and I can take them down with envenom.

And then I hit a new obstacle.  A bit too much for me now.

The way the orc dungeon instance starts, is that when you enter, there'll be an orc there that starts things going.  You can try exploring but there's a barricade (and anopheles) that prevent you from going anywhere, so you have to talk to this orc.  After a whole bunch of dialog (map wide broadcast), you'll encounter an orc patrol.  This seems to include 4 orc warriors, 2 desert wolves, and 2 orc archers.  I think, there could be more.  I've yet to clear this initial stage of the dungeon unfortunately.

Money making is good!

The cost of refining a level 2 weapon.  Thats actually pretty decent I think, it could be worse.  For those that don't remember, a level 1 weapon costs 1000z to refine.

Ice Dungeon 1F: Home of the kafra shop users and leechers.  I've mentioned before about the Mimic mercenary that you can purchase from the kafra shop.  Usable at any level, this mercenary has the ability to take down siromas and mid level monsters without much difficulty... It allows players to insanely speed past low levels regardless of their class.  According to an article on the free server, the Mimic mercenary is the second most purchased kRO shop item, behind battle manual box.  Considering it costs just under $2 for a box of 5 - 30 minute scrolls or $3 for a box of 10, I can see why they're flying off the shelves.  I'm actually jealous that I can't use the shop on kRO, because I would probably use them, even if they are cheap.  Not using them puts you at such a disadvantage for low levels, though it won't do anything for you at higher levels.

More mimic users in Ice Caves.

Welcome to hill winds, or as I like to call it, Louyang Mk.II.  On kRO baphomet, hill winds are considerably more popular than louyang is, by a pretty hefty sum.  Its quite possibly the most crowed map in the whole server, with the number of players easily outnumbering the number of hill winds... and the number of leechers easily outnumbering both.  Hill winds are a bit too much for mimic users unless they can support the mimic with heals, so most of the people here are hunters, and some high flee characters such as sins and rogues.  A surprising number of the players party here with a priest because they're not high enough level (or rich enough for pots) to survive the insane spawn rate.

Kinda random, kRO woe1 castle holds.  Not much different from iRO, except it lists the castle name.  Such as "[Valkyrie Realms] castle 'Skogul' is held by the [something] guild.".  You'll note that on kRO, everything is organized by the castle names... there are no castle numbers.  Of course the iRO names for the castles are absolutely ridiculous for some of the forts (Luina in particular), so I don't think we could do that unless they changed it, but it is a rather interesting difference.  Personally I think it gives it more personality when each castle has its own name and its used commonly by players, rather than just referring to things by number or direction.

Castle names for Greenwood Lake are all listed in both Korean and in Chinese/Japanese characters.  Its pretty odd.  This castle name means "Crimson Palace".


Number of useless cards on kRO Bapho to date: 2.

What I find actually kind of odd is the English text on the card.  The monster name is called Snake... the card name is called Snake Card... but in English it reads Boa.  Wierd isn't it?

The freaky poring npcs in the poring war arena.  I haven't gotten into a match yet so I'm not sure how it goes though.

The poring war entrance NPC, just outside of south Prontera.  It jumps erratically too.

Leveling leveling leveling!  Its pretty damn slow on Bapho, I wonder how most players cope with the reduced exp.  I guess most players skip these levels with kafra shop items... *sigh*

Being down on cash, I decided I needed to be able to sell stuff.  Merchant, here we come.

Merchant skill tree.

My particular plan was to sell novice reds for cheap, and see if anyone would by them from me.  At 8 zeny, they sold almost instantly.  Sounds like a good market.

Attempt #2 and #3, 11z novice reds.  The average market price is 12z, but the proxy I use to play is a bit finicky with staying connected so its better if I can offload my items quick.

All gone in under 5 minutes each time.  Wow.  I decided I would farm them more~.

Get the Flash Player to see this player.

Random video because I can.  I think this is the fastest I can get the novice grounds done on my latency, but if anyone has any extra tips or tricks, let me know!

I do think its a bad state of affairs though that players have to rely on farming novice reds to recover HP. I mean, my mage takes a full 13 minutes roughly to get to full HP... at level 30, with 280 HP. Natural regen isn't just low in RO, its not worth it at all. Everything comes down to potions for solo play. If you can't pot, you'll never get your HP back unless you beg for heals or walk away from your computer. They really need to boost natural regen, or maybe go the route like other MMOs, and offer heal over time recovery. Like a cheap item that you can only use while sitting that gives you 10x HP regen rate until you stand up. That kind of thing. kRO has a cash shop item that recovers 7% of your max HP every 4-5 seconds, but that's cash shop only (still handy though). As it stands, I don't think any person in RO seriously uses natural regen for HP for... anything. Its just pure crap.

Anyways, having a new-found source of income, I bought myself a Damascus, and a pantie/undershirt combo.  This is the upgrade fee for upgrading level 3 weapons, 10000z.

This kind of confused me... I keep seeing wizards with the bio3 ghost effect.

Three wizards here seem to have it.  Maybe its the soul link effect?  They all look linked ot me.  I have no clue though.

Being obsessed with new content, I keep coming back to this orc instance even though I don't have a chance to clear it.

This picture is designed to show you the horror of anopheles.  Lets play a game here... can you count all the anopheles on screen?



The correct answer is too many.

Thats it for today! Stay tuned for more kRO Bapho action.

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Requiem Online

By Doddler on June 26, 2008 in category 'Random Stuff'

Before we begin, this isn't a "Doddler's quitting RO" post.  For those not too familiar with the game, Requiem: Bloodymare is a game produced by Gravity, which just launched publicly last week.  Being by Gravity I felt compelled to give it a shot and talk about it a little.  This is a one-shot post, I probably won't talk about the game here again.

Requiem's claim to fame is that it touts itself as a 'Horror' MMO.  This theme, I'm not sure how well they succeeded in making the game 'scary', because its not a very frightening game.  The theme does seep into every aspect of the game though, from the characters, to the environment, to the monsters that inhabit it.

At the core of the game, Requiem is really your traditional MMO.  And by traditional I mean that if you didn't know any better you might be under the mistaken impression you were playing say, World of Warcraft.  The game plays pretty well like any regular 3D MMO you find these days.  You find quests, you slaughter monsters, you obtain better gears and levels, etc.  There's really nothing truly unique about it on the surface.  Where it does excel at is its unique theme and game environment.

The game world itself I found was the most convincing aspect of the game for me.  I don't think as a 'horror' MMO they really tried to go with scary, but what they did create was a very brutal, sometimes disturbing game environment.  The monster design I think is the strongest aspect here... the designs range from grotesque, to disgusting, to 'what the f*** is that shit'.  The variety of designs is really quite amazing.

The player attacks feel powerful and brutal.  When my warrior uses power moves, the resulting attack feels really satisfying to see.  The game certainly has no lack of blood, and in combat you'll see quite a bit of it fly off of the monsters and weapons (and yourself if you take a beating).  If this isn't your thing you can turn it down in the options and settings.  When a monster dies, they don't just keel over and die, but usually in some extravagantly brutal fashion.  Finishing blows seem to have a surprising tendency to knock limbs sky high, cleave monsters in two, and shower pieces all over the place.  Its brutal and over the top violent, but it feels right in the game.  I can't help but think that maybe they could have made better use of the havoc engine, but Requiem may be the only MMO game that when you kill a monster you're showered by pieces of your opponents.  Havoc does make it so these... explosions happen the same way across the network, so the effects you see is what everyone else sees too.

There's no shortage of blood in this game.

I found that environmental effects were lacking.  That's not to say I didn't like the environment itself, which was great, but the effects seemed a bit weak.  Its funny to say, but when I played Ragnarok Online 2, one of my favorite features was the in game time and weather.  The passing of time always flowed so nicely in RO2, and the game just looked breathtaking under the night sky... it really was impressive.  So for a game like Requiem, which puts so much emphasis on its environment, its kind of a shame that they didn't really flesh out this aspect more.  There is a constant time of day clock in game, but generally the game world looks the same during the day than it does in the middle of the night (there is some difference but not enough to be noticeable).  The only time the environment visibly changes is during Nightmare, but even then I'm convinced that they just threw in more fog and made it a bit darker.

Nightmare is an interesting game feature, though I think its better in concept than in practice.  When night strikes, between 11pm and 2am game time, the skys go pitch black for a few seconds, and then Nightmare begins.  Basically, Nightmare monsters are incredibly nasty monsters that make an appearance at this time of night, that usually you need to party together to take down.  When I heard of this game feature, I envisioned the clock striking 11 and going 'oh shit' and running for cover as monster came crawling out to take down unsuspecting travelers. 

Unfortunately how it really works is that nightmare monsters, and there's many different types but never more than 1 per region, usually appear in a rather small part of the map.  They are indeed frightening monsters, seriously, some of the nightmare monsters are the most twisted abominations I've seen in a game.  But the regions where they appear are so small that generally you have to look pretty hard to actually find where nightmare monsters are.  These monsters generally act like every other monster in the game too.  That is, they have a set spawn location, and usually walk slowly across a (usually rather short) patrol path, usually just back and forth between two points.  Its seriously hard to be afraid of monsters when they're so insanely predictable.

Rather than being kind of a 'survivor' mode, nightmare simply ends up being a couple of harder monsters with good drops that only appear at a set time.  It might feel better to call them bosses if you wanted, as you do usually need a strong party to survive in a Nightmare region.  Of course nightmare isn't all bad, since the times where I did group to kill Nightmares, it was a damn good time.  I just can't help but feel the feature is lacking.

My character, 'Tharis', at the character select screen.

Questing I think felt quite good when playing, which is good since its probably one of the main aspects of leveling.  Quest chains are quite rewarding and probably your top source for lant (in game currency) in the early game.  Even though about 50%-70% of the experience you need to level will need to come from monsters, the quests keep you focused and generally killing things within your level range, and give you a decent sense of direction.

That said, some of the quests are really dumb.  When I reached level 20, I was given a quest to kill some Sprigans.  Thats cool I thought.  Sprigans are pretty tough and come in big packs so I ended up having to find a party to kill them with.  After a while we organized a team, killed the Sprigans we needed to, and parted ways. Good stuff.  I went back to town, got my level, life was good.  And then there was another quest... to kill (you guessed it) more sprigans.  So I go out, repeat the process of finding a party, and killed the Sprigans.  This still wouldn't be bad, except I ended up having to do it like 6 different times, go to town, get another quest to kill Sprigans, find a party, kill them en mass (because the drop rate on the items is stupidly low).  It wouldn't be so bad but you don't get the quests at the same time, and it isn't possible to solo them really.  We couldn't just keep the same team because usually you had to get a level to get the next quest, and the people in the parties were usually doing different quests. It just got old after a bit.  That's not to say all questing ends up like this, but it was a defining moment for me.

Quests generally come in two flavors: regular NPC quests and scroll quests.  NPC quests are quite rewarding, usually follow long chains and you continually get good rewards over a period of time.  Scroll quests are started by using a scroll item, either bought from an NPC or found from a monster.  I'm not really sure what the scroll quests are good for other than to keep you busy.  For example, at level 28, it takes about 300,000xp to level. A good NPC quest will give me from 20,000 - 40,000 xp per part, and since lots of the time they'll just be simple 'talk to x person', they're usually quite worth it.  For some reason though, the scroll quests are giving me about 8,000-12,000 xp.  When they generally involve killing dozens of monsters that give me 1,500xp a kill, it seems pretty lame.

One thing that I like in this game, is the HP and SP regeneration.  I guess this isn't as much about Requiem as it is about how much it sucks **** in RO.  While regeneration is rather than how HP/SP regen is slowed while in combat, but when you're out of combat you can recover to full HP rather quickly, like in < 30s or so on my warrior.  Potions exist in the game but they're on such a lengthy cool down that you only can use 1-2 in combat usually, and out of combat its faster to let natural regen take over.  The regeneration rate means that its easy to form parties with any class.  While intense fights and instance dungeons definitely need dedicated healers and tanks, for regular hunting there's definitely an advantage to partying.  Monsters you can't normally take down on your own, you can do in a duo or small party.  You take less damage in the process, meaning you can go way faster.  This is unlike RO, where regeneration is so weak it may as well not exist at all.  For example on the kRO free server my level 25 mage takes approximately 14 minutes to reach max HP of 280. You can party in RO, but without someone to heal you, there's no benefit to being in a party.  It all comes down to the almighty potion... its a mechanic that would be nice to change.  But enough of RO.

The instance dungeons I have taken part in have been pretty fun. The Chaste Sanctum was an interesting time, though somehow we bugged one of the triggers by wiping as the boss died, preventing us from coming back and properly finishing this stage and moving on. Its the first most have heard of it so its probably not a big deal. I also did the Ruins of Lament a few times, which is also similarly an entertaining experience. One complain though that's quite obvious here is that the client is very poorly sync'd with other game clients. In one part of the Chaste Sanctum, you're required to jump onto a rotating platform and then similarly make jumps to the door you need to get to. Requiems not really a platformer but this is a pretty simple thing. Unfortunately it was insanely apparent that the platform was in a different position on each of our PCs. Players would appear to jump when there was nothing there and ride across thin air to the exit. Its a bit jarring to see that there's so little sync between the objects in the game world and across the clients, and probably a bit more concerning is the fact that it appears that character movement is handled client-side rather than server side.

I've been ragging on the game pretty hard, so I guess I should make it clear that its a pretty good game.  Of course, I neglected to mention the primary draw of the game up to this point, and thats that it is free to play.  I suppose its not totally free to play, they have two premium package tiers that gives you increased exp/drops and lowered death penalty, and a cash shop system that in my opinion, is considerably better than RO.  I gotta hand it to them, when I was playing Requiem, I had the feeling that the money I spent on the game was much better spent than on RO.  I bought the basic package for $7.99/month, which gave me +20% exp and drops, regional chat feature, and lower death penalty.  I also made a small shop purchase of a week of +30% exp additional and a fast mount that lasts a month (about $5 for those).  Consider in RO to get 50% bonus exp costs $1 for half an hour, I feel that this system is way better.  Not to mention that when I'm feeling on the cheap, I can still continue to play Requiem.

Anyways, so thats Requiem in a nutshell.  It shares a lot with WoW and other mainstream MMO's, and while its not as polished or expansive as say WoW is, Requiems impressive pricing scheme and bloody and twisted game environment could put it in a good position.  Its miles different from RO, though in actuality RO would be considered the unique MMO and Requiem definitely more main stream.  I got my character to level 29 so far, and being a free game I may come back from time to time to play.  Don't worry, I'm not leaving RO!  But Requiem isn't a bad game to try out if you enjoy this style of MMO.

Note: I would have had way more screenshots but apparantly Requiem screenshots weren't saving and I made it to level 26 before I figured that out.  Whoops!  I ended up having to use fraps for screenshots.

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More Crazy Ideas

By Doddler on June 16, 2008 in category 'MVP'

 It seems as though I wasn't satisfied enough with our performance at the last Beelzebub no-trap run, so I'm back to the drawing boards for a new plan.  A little different this time around, but hopefully not TOO different.  The use of two tanks, a single killer under marionette control, and everyone more or less within range of the MVP.  The red area on the ground is the area of effect for Pulse Strike, I stands for icewall, P stands for pneuma.  Pretty self explanatory! 

I feel that the difficulty last time was caused mostly because our killers were unable to actually hit Beelzebub.  I factored into the plan that we would use Quagmire to make it easy, but in practice the wizard had too much to do and we had too low of a level of quag.  So this time, marionette control will be my fix.  If I get enough people to give it a shot, I'll post another video online.

I had a few people ask me specifically how I made these diagrams, so I figured I'd go over it.

  1. Take a blank grid... I used a pre-made one but you could make your own (I used this one: Link).
  2. Color it how you want it to look like, just fill in the boxes (Link).
  3. Rotate.  I use the free program Paint.Net for all my image work, but I'm sure you can use whatever you want. (Link)
  4. Add sprites.  I took the sprites from Ragna no Nani Ka char sim for mine (Link)

And that's it!  Sorry about infrequent posts lately, but work has kept me from doing anything too exciting in RO.  I did get approached by a certain someone who got me a new kRO login, so its possible that the kRO free server posts will make a comeback.  Gravity is opening Requiem tonight which I might end up taking a look at, but I probably won't post about it here.  Until next time~

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